Blood of Darkness Q&A

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Okay so I got some request questions so I think I'll put this up here now. I'll update it as I get more questions in. Feel free to comment below if you have things you want to ask me or the cast of characters. Also please excuse the cast of the Eternal Bonds series, they like to comment as well.

mandapanda96 requested a ship name for Selena and Damien: I wanna say Samien. And while we're on the subject of ships Stalder is cool too (Starlene/Calder)

Calder: Yes Stalder!!!!

mandapanda96 also asked: Will we be hearing more about the lives of the other Drake siblings too? Yes you will. Soul of Shadows does still have our beloved Dalena, but it also centres around Stefan, Sorina, and their lives after the events of Chapter 32 of Blood of Darkness.

Sorina: Look Stef, it's a book just for us!

Stefan: What? Where?

Over there! Go check it out! You'll also get to see Gabriel and Starlene's lives as well, since they're focused on in Book 3: Heart of Radiance.

Gabriel: Star, we get our own book too!

Starlene: Finally! Where is it?

Over there! Go check it out, but make sure you read Soul of Shadows first!

mandapanda96 also asked: What's your favourite chapter that you wrote in this book? I don't have just one. I have a few and I love them for different reasons. I love Chapters 9 and 10 because they focus on Damien's past and why he does what he does when Selena arrives in Cygnus Keep. Chapter 16 is another one I love because of the blood sharing bond and the fact that Selena has empathetic abilities, which is why she felt the way she did during that chapter. So I got to explore that there. Also Chapters 31 and 32 for Selena finally putting the pieces together about her dreams of the little boy and being able to describe how she and Damien handle the possible consequences of what happened to her and how that affects what her dreams mean.

mandapanda96 has a fourth question: Do you have a favourite character(s)? Yes I'm guilty of choosing favourites, sorry. When I first got started, I loved Starlene, though I don't give her as much screen time as I should (will mostly change in Soul of Shadows though).

Starlene: Hey that's fine. I'm just glad you stuck me with Calder. He's pretty sweet.

I love Damien and Selena of course.

Selena (as she snuggles up next to Damien on a couch): Aw thanks.

And I think the other Drake that I'm developing more of an attachment to is Stefan. Stefan's complex. He's this carefree, spirited, mischievous, impish guy that loves to have fun. But when his world comes crashing down (i.e. the events of Chapters 24 and 25) what would he do? And that's something I really get into in Soul of Shadows. How he deals with things that have happened. So yeah, Stefan is interesting to me.

Stefan: You find me interesting? Really? Does this mean I'll be happy again in the next book?

We'll see Stefan.

Also Leon! Shoutout the growing Leon fan club!

Leon (with an arm around Harper): Yeah shoutout to my public!

mandapanda96 has one more question: Do you have your most dreaded characters whom you don't like writing about? Hahaha. Well at the time of answering this question I was writing Soul of Shadows. So my answer was Stefan because I struggled to stay in the headspace he's in. He's really gloomy and miserable and angry. So he was a bit of a struggle. Actually, now that I think about it, Sorina was as well. She's more reserved, quiet, so I don't always know what goes on in her head and I have to wonder sometimes. So Soul of Shadows was fun to write since it (ironically) focused on Sorina and Stefan. But I don't hate those two. If there's one character I hate writing would have to be...well actually I'm not sure. I don't like Marius in general, since he's pretty screwed up and twisted, but that doesn't mean I dread the days I have to write a scene with him.

Marius: Oh so that means you want to help me take the throne then?

Quiet you! That's not what I said! Anyway, I haven't come across a character I absolutely hate in this book. But I have in Soul of Shadows. You'll have to wait and see who it is.

mandapanda96 recently asked: Will Stefan have an OTP in Soul of Shadows? I can't say for sure, you'll have to check out Soul of Shadows to find out.

Stefan: What kind of an answer is that? My fans demand a real answer!

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