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One of the new training activities for hero course students across all years was to partner with a student from a different year for a sparring match.

The idea was that being partnered with someone they knew little about how their quirk worked would help them sharpen their abilities to quickly determine an opponent's quirk in battle.

This round, Kaminari was partnered with a petite girl from 1B.

"I'll go easy on you, okay. Wouldn't want to beat up a girl. Maybe afterwards we can grab a bite to eat."

The blue haired girl cocked her head to the side and blinked particularly hard at him. All at once, Kaminari felt the floor lurch under him and he stumbled back a step.

"What was that? Why would you want to go easy on me?"

"I won't really go easy on you, I just say that so if I lose I can blame it on letting you win. I'm still insecure about my ability to use my quirk and saying that makes me feel better. Hey! What the hell!?" Kaminari yelled, clapping his hands over his mouth.

Shinsou, who had finished his own match far too quickly by telling his unfortunate opponent to walk out of the circle, turned at the sound of Kaminari's screech in time to see him double over and throw his arms out in an attempt to stabilise himself. On ground that wasn't moving. Huh.

His opponent was looking at him smugly and Kaminari took the opportunity to send out a shock as he tried to regain his footing, catching her off guard. She was still inexperienced in defensive manoeuvres and she fell to the ground, knocked unconscious.

He'd won the round physically but completely failed the basis of the training.

"I think I'm gonna barf," Kaminari gasped.

"Take him to Recovery Girl before he makes a mess on the training room floor," Aizawa grumbled to no one in particular.

Because Shinsou was one of the few people already spectating from the sidelines, he quickly went to Kaminari's aid.

He put a steadying hand on his shoulder and leaned down to him. "Denki, Denks. Hey, you doing okay?"

Kaminari looked at him through his swirling vision. "No, Hitoshi, I'm not doing okay. I think I'm gonna be sick and that would be even more mortifying if I did it in front of the entire hero studies population. Please can you help me get outside so I can be sick in peace."

Shinsou threw his arm over his shoulder and hurled him outside.

"Whoa, over here, come on." Shinsou lead him over to the garden and Kaminari retched into the bushes.

He leaned back on his heals and dropped onto his butt with a groan. "What the hell was that kid's quirk?" He looked up at the image of Shinsou wavering but remained seated on the ground, right where his dignity was.

"Let's get you to the old lady, maybe she can stop whatever it is," Shinsou offered. He pulled Kaminari to his feet and wrapped one of his arms around his shoulders again to steady him. He was pretty sure he wasn't going to make it there on his own.

It turned out Recovery Girl wasn't able to undo the effects of the girl's quirk. After assessing that he was physically okay, she sent him back to the dorms with some paperwork about the offending quirk and told him to rest and wait it out.

They made their way to Kaminari's room very slowly, concentrating on putting one foot in front of the other. More than once, Shinsou considered throwing the blond over his shoulder and carrying him to his room but the thought of Kaminari's indignant protests stopped him.

The elevator wasn't kind to Kaminari's spinning head and he buried it in Shinsou's shoulder.

"What's the kid's quirk?" Kaminari asked as they finally got to his room. He handed Shinsou his key and he opened his door for him.

"Says here it's called Spill," Shinsou said as he read through the page and Kaminari's eyes widened in alarm.

What the hell could that mean? "Spill my guts up? Yeah, already done that."

"Actually that's pretty much it. Spilling your guts, I mean. Apparently, when someone is hit with it, they have to answer whatever question is asked of them. The more suppressed or subconscious the secret, the more they'll spill."

"No one will ever play truth or dare with her," Kaminari mumbled.

"Says here that it also makes the victim crazy dizzy," Shinsou read as he closed Kaminari's door for him.

"No shit," he groaned as he flopped onto his bed and buried his head into his arms.

Shinsou could have left him to any member of class 2A but he didn't, instead he seated himself in Kaminari's desk chair to wait it out with him.

After a while of Kaminari grumbling and scrunching up his face and Shinsou scrolling mindlessly through his phone, the blond cracked open his eyes. "Hitoshi?"

Shinsou looked up at the sound of his name. "I think the ground's stopped moving. Ask me something, see if it's worn off yet."

"Uh, what's your favourite class?"

"Arts. Everyone knows that. It has to be better than that, ask me something else."

Shinsou thought for a moment before asking, "Do you have a crush on anyone?"

Kaminari could feel the words being pulled out of him. "I think maybe I do but I haven't realised it myself yet. Ahh shit, it hasn't worn off. I've gotten to know someone this year and I really like them. They're pretty rad. Crazy good looking, which annoyed me at first but then I started to like it. Especially when they smile."

Shinsou swallowed around the growing lump in his throat. He felt an absurd emotion bubbling up in his chest.

Something a lot like jealousy.

"And smart! Man they make me look like an idiot but I don't even mind. They just get me and h-"

"Kaminari, stop talking."

Kaminari's teeth clacked together as he snapped his mouth shut and felt Shinsou leave his head immediately after.

"Thank you," Kaminari said in relief. "I think I was about to say something embarrassing." He took a deep breath and rolled onto his side. "That girl is gonna make a great interrogator, that's for sure," Kaminari groaned.

"Since you're not dizzy anymore, maybe you just need to sleep it off." Shinsou got to his feet and quickly crossed to the door. "I'll let you rest," he said as he slipped out.

Kaminari just groaned again as he flopped back onto his pillows. Stupid truth quirk.

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