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It's a dull Wednesday and you sit in Stein's empty classroom with a couple friends, studying for an exam next week. It's supposed to be difficult and mind bending and you want to have some of your nerves at ease going into it. You and your friends quiz each other on vocabulary and techiniques and forms and variations of different techniques. In the middle of your study group you feel your phone buzz in your back pocket. You take it out and find a new text message from Maka Albarn, one of your good friends. It reads:

Hey ____ I was wondering if you'd be open to come to Soul and my apartment this Friday night for a little party we're throwing. Tsubaki and Black*Star will be their along with DTK and Liz and Patty.

You text Maka back:

Hey Maka! I'd be glad to come! Thanks for the invitation!

A few minutes you get the time and address of their apartment and you return to your study group, excited for this weekends plans.

-----2 Days Later-----

You leave your house, heading over to Soul and Maka's apartment for the gathering. You walk through the cobble streets of Death City, making sure you follow the directions you were given. Finally, after twenty minutes of searching and wandering, you get to the apartment. You run up to the second floor and knock on their door. Soul answers it and smiles.

"Cool, you're here. C'mon in," he ushers and you step into the quaint little apartment. You've never been to their house, so you take it all in. To your right is a little living space with a couple navy couchs and a TV and some book shelves. To the left is a kitchen, opening up into a dining place with a little circular table with three chairs around it. There's hall that has four doors, probably to a bathroom, two bedrooms and maybe a closet or study room or somthing of that sort? You hear Maka usher you over and you go to sit next to her and Tsubaki on the couch.

"How are you ____?" Tsubaki asks you in her soft, gentle tone.

"Good, and you?" You ask her. There's a knock on the door again and Soul looks at Maka very confused. He goes to open the door and finds Blair on the other side. She's dressed in a slick purple dress that falls to her knees and her signature crooked purple witches hat. She steps into the apartment and claps her hands.

"I'm so glad all of you could come! I'll be right back!" she cheers and runs to a room down the hall. We all look around at each other, confused and nervous.

"Um...Blair?" Soul walks down the hall, but she bursts out of the room and jogs up to the living room.

"Hey guys,whatcha up to? Nothing? Sweet! Let's play a game," she winks and Maka stands up.

"Blaire, I.."

"Hush Maka, you guys are teens, you should be playing cute little games, like Truth or Dare or...ooh, yeah! Let's play that!" She exclaims and you suddenly get nervous. Truth or Dare? That could get really awkward really fast.


Go to the next chapter aka, Truth or Dare Intro!

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