Truth #3

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Truth #3-

"Truth!" you say, no hesitation. You hate dares, you absolutely hate them.

"Is it true......that you..." Maka debates for a while until finally leaning over to Tsubaki for some help. Tsubaki smiles kindly and whispers into Maka's ear and Maka nods.

"If you had to pick any weapon in this room to have as your partner, who would it be?" Maka asks and you debate for a long time.

Well, you think to yourself, Soul's really strong and talented and he seems pretty cool and fun to work with. Then again, Liz and Patty and I could get along really well and I do love the idea of having two weapons. But honestly, Tsubaki's pretty cool with all her different modes and she's so sweet and all. I would hate to have Ragnourok, so he's out...

"I'd have to pick Tsubaki, honestly. But I'm not saying the rest of you aren't cool and talented enough, I just like the options she gives you, with all her different modes and all," you smile and she smiles back.

"How sweet are you," she giggles.

"What about me?!" Ragnourok screeches from Crona's back. 

"Definitely not you," you grimace, thinking about how painful that would be.


Now go to the Spin the Bottle Intro!

Or, if you really want to, go and read the other options!

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