Dare #3

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Dare #3

 "Dare," you say immeditaly, feeling adventerous. Maka looks at Liz and Liz nods at her with a devious smirk on her face. Suddenly you regret your decision.

"Wait...can I.."

"No take backs! Your dare is to...." she pauses for dramatic effect. You feel sweat build up on your forehead and you heart rate pic up.

"Kiss Kid, but not just any kiss. French kiss."

"What! No! Please change it!" you beg, all adventerous feelings gone.

"Ah ah ah, no take backs. Go," she points to Kid. He looks freaked out and some what excited. You go over to him and sit in front of him. You wait a moment for the look from him of go-ahead. He kinda nods and you both lean in. Your lips touch and you kiss a couple times before slipping your tongues into each others mouths. It feel so weird, but what's most funny to you, is that he seems experienced. Like...what?

You break apart and you go back to your spot and sit awkwardly as the game progresses.


Alright, now go to the Spin The Bottle Intro!

Or, if you want to, go back and read the other options.

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