Spin The Bottle Intro

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Spin The Bottle Intro-

After a solid half hour of an intense game of Truth or Dare, you've had to answer numerous pointless questions and had to do numerous of awkward and funny dares. But it's getting kind of boring.

"This is boring," Blair sighs, sprawled across Soul's lap, as if on cue. You look at his expression, which is very uncomfortable. He looks like he's trying to hold in a nosebleed. 

"I agree," Liz says, examining her nails. 

"Pick a different game then," Maka says, reading from a book she always seems to have.

"OH! LET'S PLAY SPIN THE BOTTLE!" Black*Star says, jumping up from his spot and fist pumping. He rushes to the kitchen and opens the fridge and dumps some grape soda out of a bottle and returns back to the living room and sets the empty, grape smelling bottle into the middle of the circle.

"....I was going to drink that..." Soul says, clearly irritated.

"Hush, who wants to go first?" Black*Star asks the group. You stare at the floor, very nervous and timid all of a sudden.

"Nose goes!" Black*Star announces and everyone darts their fingers to their noses. But you're the last one.

"AWESOME! ____'S GOING FIRST!" he fist pumps and you gulp.

"Well, give it a spin," Liz ushers you. You sigh and flick the bottle. Around and around it goes until it finally lands on....


Now, pick either 1, 2, 3 or 4, each represents one of the boys

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