Would You Rather #1

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Would You Rather #1-

"____, would you rather have to be stuck in a closet with Black*Star or have to be stuck in a room with Kid, having a melt down?" she laughs. 

"HEY! What's wrong with being in a closet with me?!" Black*Star screechs. You cringe, and you see out of the corner of your eyes, Kid shuttering at the thought.

"Asymmetric garbage," he whipsers.

"I guess I'd rather have to be in a closet with Black*Star, since you didn't specify anything. We could be playing a board game for all we know," you answer and Tsubaki.

"Alright, now you're turn to ask someone," she grins her innocent and sweet smile.


Cool, now go onto the 7 Minutes in Heaven Intro! 

Or, again, you can go and read the other options!

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