Would You Rather #3

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Would You Rather #3-

Tsubaki thinks for a few moments before asking you.

"Would you rather have to take the Super Written Exam and come in last or have to have a special remedial class with Professor Stein and fail it, thus failing his class?"

You hear Maka shutter and you shutter to yourself too. No one wants to be dead last for the Super Written Exam or fail Stein's class, along with failing a remedial class. It's a tough one, Tsubaki's good at this.

"I think I'd rather come in last for the Super Written Exam, since if I were to fail Stein's class, I'd have to retake that and I don't that I could mentally do that," you finally answer.

"Hm, nice thoughts," Tsubaki says and you take your turn to ask someone.


Okay, now go to the Spin The Bottle Intro!

Or, again, if you want to, go read the other ones!

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