Seven Minutes In Heaven Intro

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Seven Minutes In Heaven Intro-

After a long time of playing Would You Rather and asking a wide variety of funny and totally serious questions, Liz streches and yawns.

"This game is fun and all, but let's so something more exciting."

"Like what?" Maka grimaces. "We've already played Spin the Bottle, I don't know how much exciting this party can get."

"Oh, there's one game no one's mentioned yet...," she smirks. You all look around confused. Suddenly, Blair screeches and you all shutter. 

"Is it what I'm thinking of?!"

"I bet so," Liz smirks. "Seven Minutes In Heaven!"

"No! That's so disgusting!" Maka squeels. You sit awkwardly next to Patty who gets a weirded out look on her face.

"Oh come on, it's not that bad," Liz says. Maka sighs and takes out her book.

"Fine, but leave me out of it as much as possible."

Soul goes to his room to get a ton of small slips of paper and an old small box. He writes alll the boys names on equal amounts of paper, so there's more chance and mystery to it. He then writes all the girls names on some slips and Liz picks one at random. She unfolds it and a grin creeps on her face and your stomach sinks.

"____!" You grimace for the millionth time tonight as you get up and pull a slip out of the box. You open it to reveal........


Okay, now pick out of 1, 2, 3 or 4! I've kept all of them very simple and non-smutty, so no one is grossed out.

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