Seven Minutes In Heaven #3

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Seven Minutes In Heaven #3-

....Black*Star! You show Liz, with a straight face. She sighs and grabs Black*Star who's busy yelling and chanting and being obvnoxious. She shoves him in and lets you step in, a sorry look on her face. 

"Time starts now," she says. The door closes and Black*Star looks at you. 

"Yes?" You asks. He gets a bit red and you give him a confused look.

"Forget how to speak?" He looks away and you tilt your head. "You alright?"

"Just a bit..nervous. Sorry."

"Black*Star, the great Black*Star...nervous? That's unheard of," you say surprised. "What's there to be nervous about?"

"Well, to get straight to the point, I kind like you. I'm nervous about being in a closet with you and all that stuff."

"Oh," you say. Now it's your turn to get a bit red. Black*Star likes you, you! You neve saw that coming and it's shocking.

"How do want this to go?" you ask. Black*Star is silent for a minute.

"I'd like to kiss you, if that's alright? That's all I really want." You look up at him and realize he's much taller than you, at least a half foot. 

"I'm alright with that," you say. He get's really red again and then takes a deep breath. He takes your face in one of his hands and puts to other on your hip and holds you there. He slowly leans in, closing his eyes. You lean in slowly and close your eyes and then your lips meet. His are firm but gentle, as if he's afraid if he uses much force, he'll hurt you. You move your hands to his chest and drag them up to his wild blue hair. You tangle your fingers in it and pull him a bit closer. He pulls away for a second and looks into your ____ colored eyes. You both grin and then he pulls you in again, kissing you harder not as afraid as before. The hand that's on your face slides to your hips like the other and he pulls you into his body, tight, not letting go.

Suddenly, Liz knocks on the door, "Time up you two." You break apart and he's red all over. You blush a bit too but shake it off.

"I won't tell anyone, I promise," he whipsers and you nod. You're fine even if he did but you shrug it off as you two walk out as if nothing happened. 


Okay, now go to the Conclusion!

Or, again, if you want to, go read the others!

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