Dare #2

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Dare #2

"Dare," you say after a moment or two of consideration. Maka thinks then shrugs.

"I dare you to go and put on one of Blair's outfits."


She's got to have some non revealing outfits, right? You go to her room and search for what seems like forever, searching for a pair of fuzz PJ's or some jeans and a crop top. But all there is are too-short-shorts and bikinis/bras. You gimace to yourself and pick one that isn't too horrible. You change just as Maka's rushing you. You step out so that everyone can see and jaws drop. Well, Maka's and Blair's do. Black*Star and Soul get nosebleeds and Kid sits there, unphased. Tsubaki, Liz and Patty give you sympathetic looks. Suddenly, Maka's giggling at you and you get really uncomfortable. 

"Can I go change back now?" You asks, beet red.

"Yeah," she nods and you rush off, changing faster than you ever have. You emerge again and Soul and Black*Star are wiping their bloody noses and Maka's giggling again. You sit down and the game resumes.


Alright, now go to the Spin The Bottle Intro

Or, if you want to, go and read the other options!

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