Seven Minutes In Heaven #4

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Seven Minutes In Heaven #4-

.....Soul! You hand the slip to Liz, trying to hold in some excitement. You like Soul, a lot and really wanted to be paired with him this time. Liz announces Soul's name and he gets up nodding. You two follow Liz to the closet and step in. She closes the door and starts your time.

"Hey," he says.

"Hey, how are you?"

"Alright, this is cool, being in here with you."

"Wait...really?" You asks, a bit more excited.

"Yeah, you're a cool person. I like you a bit to admit," Soul blushes and then turns away. You blush bright red, did he really just say that, you think to yourself. Before you can even think about what you're doing, you stand up on your tiptoes and kiss his cheek, quickly. He looks at you stunned, his crimson eyes locked on yours. 

"Hm," he smirks his sharp tooth smirk. He kisses your cheek back and then locks his eyes on you again. The tension between you two is unreal and you want to progress, but you don't want to seem desperate or come off too strong. Silence, as you two stare into each others eyes for a few more moments, the tension rising. Then he takes your hand and slams his lips onto yours. They're smooth but firm. He pulls away and looks at your now bright as a tomato red face. He blushes and smiles the sweetest smile every. Your heart melts a bit and he notices. He steps closer to you and you back into the wall. He presses against you and puts his hands on your hips and you wrap your hands around his neck and pull him down for a kiss. It's passionate, long and for lack of better words, beautiful. He slips to your neck for a moment and you feel this unusual energy surge through you. You tighten your grip and he moves up to your ear and nibbles then pulls back.

"Wow," you mutter, his face now inches from yours. He kisses you quickly and then you do it back to him, but make it linger. He blushes and then the door is knocked on.

"Guys, you're done. Come out," Liz says and you two look at each other disappointed.

"Don't be sad, another time?" Soul whispers and you nod as you step out and pretend for the rest of the night like nothing happened. 


Okay, now go onto the Conclusion!

Or, again, if you want to, read the others!

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