Truth #2

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Truth #2-

 You think about it briefly then decide on,"Truth."

"Is it true that you thought Spirit, or my idiot father, was a pedophile and slapped him when he welcomed you to Death City?" Maka asks, laughing.

"Yes," you proudly nod,"And I'm proud of it too."

"Wait, you actually slapped him?!" Soul exclaims in disbelieve. 

"And stomped on his foot," you add and he bursts into hysterics. 

"!" he chokes out between fits of laughter and breaths.

"He totally deserves it too," Maka nods and you nod too. You all take a few moments to laugh about it and diss possibly the worst father in the world before getting back on track.


Now go to the Spin the Bottle Intro!

Or, if you really want to, go and read the other options!

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