Truth #1

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Truth #1-

You debate for a moment or two and then finally say, "Truth."

" it true that you have a crush on someone in this room?" she nudges you. You gulp and nod slightly.

"Yeah," you whisper under your breath.

"Ooh, who?" Liz pipes up. You turn bright red and start to get all sweaty.

"Guys, don't make her uncomfortable," Tsubaki chimes in.

"No, it's alright," you blush harder.

"Okay, so who is it?" Liz eggs on. You take a deep breath and then say, "Soul.." You dart your eyes to the floor and keep them there for a long time.

"I knew it, I so knew it!" Black*Star yells.

"Black*Star, calm down," Maka scolds the loud assassian. He hushs, but can barely sit still, he's so full of excitment. You keep your eyes at the floor, avoiding any possible eye contact with Soul. Maka nudges you and you look directly at her face. Her eyes flit over to her partner on the other couch. You glance over, ever so slightly and see him smiling.

"Cool," he nods at you and you blush even more.


Now, go to the Spin the Bottle Intro!

Or, if you really want to, go and read the other options!

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