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Hey my name is Katie I'm 20 and I'm moving to North Carolina to find a job and to start said new job as an editor. Yeah I know must sound boring but to me it's not and I eventually want to start my own YouTube account so yeah that's a bit about me. I just finished university in editing so now it's time to move away from home and take a risk to follow my dreams. My best friend Isabella is coming with me as she wants to be an actress and she has already had a offer so she took it and now here we are days before moving.
"KATIE KATIE KATIE KATIE KATIE KATIE" what the fuck is that noise i roll over and look at the time it's literally only 5am who on earth can be this loud and have this much energy at 5am. Oh that's right only my best friend, Isabella. "What what what WHAT" "so your are still not a morning person" "shut up" "no seriously you need to get up we need to go to the airport" "okay okay okay I'm up I'm up"
I roll out of bed and get dressed into comfy clothes and we head to the airport.
-time skip-
We step off the plane and head to the Uber we had ordered 5 minutes before we tell the driver were to go and we arrive there. It wasn't much but with only one of us having a job currently and all the moving costs we couldn't afford much more. It was a cute small apartment near a bunch of houses. It looked like a nice place to live. We start to unpack and we start hearing a bunch of what sounds like screaming and cheering outside.
"What is that!?" Isabella shouts to me from her room.
"I have no idea " I screamed back. "I'll go look" I start heading down stairs and see that's it's 11pm jeez last time I looked it was 5pm. I go look out the window and see a group of guys with a bunch of cameras cheering. I go out the door and start to head over. As it's dark I can't really see much about their appearances but that's not stopping me from telling them to be quiet.
"Hey!" I shout to the group, they are turn to me and look at me confused. "Do you know how loud your being?" I ask one of the guys.
"Sorry didn't realise but it's only...-looks at his phone- oh shit sorry didn't realise it was so late we will keep it down." A tall muscular guy with a beard replied.
"It's chill like I wouldn't usually mind that much but it's just cause we just moved here and we are trying to sleep as you can guess we are really tired." I say to them all.
"Yeah thought I haven't seen you before" a tall brown haired man says and smiles at you. He comes closer to you and goes to give you a hug. "My name is chandler yours?" He says in a calm tone.
"My name is—" I try to say while hugging him before I get cut off by Isabella screaming out my bedroom window.
"Cominggg" I shout back to her. "As you can tell my name is Katie and that delight over there is my best friend Isabella."
"Nice to meet you" all the guys reply.
"Look I got to go I don't want her to bite my head off" they all chuckle and I start to walk away.
"See you around Katie" chandler shouts to me, causing me to turn around and wave at the group of boys.
I get back to my house and go straight to bed. I couldn't stop thinking about the group of guys from earlier, there was one tall guy with brown hair wearing a hoodie which looked like it said 'Mr Beast'. I wondering what they were doing and why they were out at 11pm and filming. With that thought going through my mind I went to sleep.

End of chapter one

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