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It's been a couple days since the incident, Jimmy hasn't left my side yet and the twins and Isabella have been here a lot as well. The rest of the guys have been a couple times as well but always got kicked out for being too loud, which I loved for them. It nearly time for me to go home they just have to do a couple more tests. However that's not what I'm thinking about all I can think about it jimmy we haven't spoke since the kiss and it's like he doesn't want to at all. Every time I try to talk about it either someone comes in the room or he changes the subject. He confuses me a lot, maybe he just felt bad for me and that he didn't actually like me. This hurt like mad.
In the room currently was only me and chandler, Ethan and Grayson had to go as they needed to film a video but we have each other's phone numbers so we will be in touch, Isabella is coming later only because I made her go spend time with Jake as she wouldn't as she felt bad. For the rest of the guys they are all downstairs eating and then they are going to take jimmy home so he can shower and then they will bring clothes for me later, Isabella must of given them the spare key.
"Hey chan chan"
"Oh god where the hell did you come up with that name, think your on too much medication." He chuckles at me causing me to join him.
"Shut up you dork. I just wanted to say that I really appreciate all of you being here for me and that you didn't have to stay I could of been alone for a couple hours."
"I wanted to Katie and anyway do you really think that jimmy would of let me go home with them and have no one with you?"
"Good point but I need to talk to you about jimmy anyway."
"Go ahead I'm all yours."
"Well do you remember a while ago I needed to tell you something?"
"Yeah I remember"
"Well I was going to tell you that I might have a slight crush on jim-" I couldn't finish my sentence as the next thing I knew chandler jumped up as started dancing around the room causing me to burst of laughing.
"I KNEW IT." He sang while dancing.
"Shhhhh do you want to get kicked out again?!"
"Right sorry" He calms down and sits back in his chair.  "but I knew you liked him from the way you look at him and don't worry I can tell he likes you back."
"See that's the thing we kinda kissed the other day and he was telling me how sorry he was for pushing me away etc but now he is acting like it never happened and I just don't get why. It's really starting to hurt my feelings like I'm worried he only did it because he felt sorry for me." I rambled on.
"Katie look jimmy isn't the best with talking about his feelings, he been really hurt by girls in the past like his ex Maddy so he puts his guard up but if you two kissed I think it's obviously likes you and he would of never ever done it because he felt sorry for you. I think that you just need to talk to him later about it once your home and thought over what you wanted to say."
"Thank you chandler it means a lot." I smile and hug him tight.
"No problem kitty"
"That's worse than mine" I chuckle
"I know." He laughs at his own nickname he created.
"Hey chan chan?"
"We really keeping these nicknames huh?"
"Yes we are and what happened with this Maddy girl?"
"That's not my story to tell kitty jimmy will tell you when it's the right time just know that he really loved her and she broke his heart."
That hurt my heart itself thinking how could anyone hurt such a sweet caring and loving guy.
"Oh okay thank you chan chan."

End of chapter

This is kinda a short one! But I wanted to get one out while I had a little free time. Hope you enjoy and it means a lot that so many of you are liking the story. If you are still reading this leave any suggestions on what you want in this story or how I could make it better. Any will be appreciated!!! PEACE ✌️

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