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I can finally leave the hospital after a long and I mean long discussion they decided who was actually going to be the one taking me home. They told me that Jake has surprised Isabella with a trip for 2 weeks travelling which is fine by me as I can look after myself I'm not hurt physically, mentally it has effected me but I can cope right now. I just want to forget about it all and not let it ruin my life. So the discussion was about where I'm going to be staying I thought I could just go back home and stay on my own and the boys are only across the street but when I told the guys that they looked at me like I've just told them I've killed 100s of people.
"Are you kidding me?" Chandler says.
"What?" I reply still thinking that was a good idea.
"You are not staying on your own you have just been in the hospital for ages and been through something traumatic." Isabella says.
"But I'm fine the boys are only across the street." I say even though I know her stubborn ass would fight me against it until she wins.
"NO" everyone says at the same time.
"Fine where am I staying then?" I say huffing and sinking down on the chair.
They all look at each other apart from chandler who looking right at me with a smirk. Oh god I know what that face means...he better not do what I think he going to do. I shake my head at him and he just chuckles.
"Hey I have an idea" he says
And he gone a done it...
"Why don't Katie stay at Jimmy's he has an extra room now everyone has moved out so it would just be them, obviously we will all be round to help but it makes sense to me."
The little fucker. I look at jimmy to see his reaction and he actually seems to really like the idea.
"Yeah thats a good idea I mean why not?" Jimmy says surprising me a little.
"Erm okay" I say very shyly.
"Great thats that sorted" Isabella smiles at me.
-time skip-
We arrive at jimmys place and we head in, Ive never actually been in jimmys house just the bit where they film all the challenge videos and the editing room. It's a nice house basic inside but it's what I expected for a young guy. Jimmy places my stuff down by the door and heads over to me.
"Are you okay do you need anything like water or anything to eat? We can go out if you want to."
"I'm okay thanks but maybe tomorrow I just want to relax for a bit and maybe take a shower."
"Sure thing follow me I'll show you where your room is."
He says heading up the stairs and I follow behind him. He goes down the corridor and points at a door at the end.
"This is your room I bought you a new bed and a couple other things as I didn't want you to have an old bed which chandler did god knows what on as this was his room."
"Thank you for this you really didn't have to I don't want to intrude."
"Oh don't be silly you not at all."
I hug him and he hugs me back tight. We walk into the room and it's a nice room I can tell that he tried to make it look as good as he could and he has done a great job. It's simple but I like it and it's not like I'm going to be staying here forever.

 It's simple but I like it and it's not like I'm going to be staying here forever

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"Woah I love it." I say and turn to him and he lets out a breathe that he didn't know he was holding in.
"I'm glad I know it's not much but I wanted it to look as nice as possible. Isabella has already been in and out your clothes in your wardrobe and stuff what you need in."
I go over and hug him again as I am hugging him I look at the time and it's 8pm.
"Thank you, I'm going to have a shower now and probably get ready for bed."
"Okay I'll leave you to it I'll be in my room if you need anything and I'll show you where everything is tomorrow." He smiles and leaves me.
I head into the bathroom which is opposite my room and have a long hot shower, I really need this hospital showers really aren't the ones.
I get out and put my pjs on and brush my hair through and drying it. I look at the time and it's 10pm god how long was I in the shower for. I get into bed and my god it's the most comfortable bed I have ever been in. I fall straight to sleep.
Jimmys pov
It's 11pm and I'm about to go to bed, I decide that I going to go say goodnight to Katie. I make my way over to her room and knock there's no answer but her door is open a little. I look in the gap and see that's she fast asleep so I don't want to disturb her so I quietly head back into my room. I get into bed and scroll on my phone looking at all my socials when I hear some sort of noise come from Katie's room. I look at the time and it's 1am jeez I was on my phone for longer than I wanted. I turn it off and try to sleep when I hear a noise come from Katie's room but this time it's louder. I get out of bed and head to her room and when I get there it's obvious that's she having a nightmare. She keeps flinching and moving around and keeps letting out little screams. I make my way over there and try and wake her up.
"Katie. Katie. You are having a bad dream." I lightly shake her and she wakes up, she has sweat on her forehead. She looks around the room clearly confused and then seems me and hugs me which surprises me but I soon hug her back.
"Hey it's okay it's over now it was just a dream."
"I was so scared I-I-"
"It's okay you don't have to talk about it now."
"Thank you jimmy."
I let go of her and her face looks calmer now. I go to stand up and leave when I feel something grab my hand.
"Don't go. Can you Erm stay with me please. I don't want to be alone." She asks me clearly shy. I just nodded and she moved up and I got in and I snuggled up next to her. She put her head on my chest and she was running her finger up and down my chest. My heart was racing and if she went any lower with her finger I would get a problem, so I'm praying she don't otherwise it would get awkward fast.
We have been laying here for about 20 mins when she looks at me.
"I can't go to sleep I can't get it out of my head."
"Erm well maybe taking your mind of it will help." Sounding a lot worse than I meant it too.
She looks at me and smirks. She leans down and kisses me. It shocks me and she is normally shy but it's like a wave of confidence has taken over her. I eventually kiss back and she gets on top of me so her legs are each side of me. I deepened this kiss by grabbing her arse causing her to open her mouth in surprise which I take the opportunity to slip my tongue in. She starts to grind her hips against me causing me to break the kiss and throw my head back. Her lips meet my neck and she starts kissing she lifts my top off and starts sucking on my chest leaving love bites. This feels amazing. After a while I flip us over so now I'm hovering over her and I take her top off and do the same to her I start leaving love bites and start grinding my dick up against her. She moans and starts moving her hips to match me causing us to be a moaning mess. I stop and pull her shorts down leaving her in just her underwear when I realised this isn't how I wanted this to go. I wanted it to be more special than me just trying to get her mind of something. I stop and she looks at me confused.
"Look I'm sorry but I can't."
She clearly thought I didn't want her as she looked ashamed of herself.
"No no no it's not that I don't want to trust me I do i just want it to be more special than this like I want to take you on a date and treat you the way you deserve first."
Her faces lights up and she starts blushing. I start kissing her stomach and kissed all the way up till I was at her face.
"You so beautiful." Causing her to blush. She leans in and we kiss.
"Jimmy you are amazing. I would love to go on a date with you."
I smile and blush she hands me my top and I hand her hers we get back into bed and cuddle when we both drift off to sleep.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter it's a bit cheeky ;) see you in the next chapter keep leaving comments I love seeing them! And please give this a like means a lot. LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK!

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