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"What is this?" I ask Isabella shocked at what is currently in front of me.
"SURPRISE!" She screams at me. All that is in front of me is a bunch of balloons a box and a massive envelope. "Open it come on." I make my way over to the envelope and inside is a letter.
Katie I know you are probably hating every minute of this right now but I just want to say something. Your birthday is a couple of weeks away and I wanted to do something special for you. You have been my best friend for as long as I can remember and you helped me a lot and even agreed to move all the way out here from England so I can follow my dreams. I can never tell you how much I love you but hopefully this is a start. You will forever be my best friend and I hope we grow old together :). Now you need to open the box and then pop the balloons. I hope you enjoy your early birthday presents and let's make your 21st a night to remember or make sure you get so drunk that you can't remember. Love you always Isabella.
I look up to Isabella with tears in my eyes and run and give her a hug.
"I love you so so so much" I cry to her while still giving her a bear hug.
"I love you too but come on open it."
I reach for the box and unwrapped it, inside was a a huge picture of us from when we met and till this date this is my favourite photo of us. I then go get a pin so I can pop the balloons and I go for the gold one first. With a loud bang the balloon pops and a bracelet falls out. I pop the next ballon and it's 2 ticket to the Billie Eilish concert and I can't believe it. I look at the date and it's tomorrow night.
"OMG NO WAY!" I jump up and down in excitement.
"It's tomorrow so I had to give it you now but on your real birthday we are going clubbing and you can't say no."
I'm not normally a club person but after all of this I will go for her. Isabella is 21 and is already used to the club scene and when we were back home as the drinking age was different.
After we both calmed down we headed to bed as it was now well past 10pm.

The next morning I couldn't stop smiling I can't believe that I'm going to a Billie Eilish concert. I don't know what to wear. After a good hour of looking through my clothes I finally find an outfit for tonight. I head down stairs and see Isabella cooking pancakes as she doesn't have work today.
"Hey bitch" I sassily say to her.
"Hey Doris" she replies, I've had that name ever since she heard me road rage and call someone Doris a couple of years ago now. "Do you want to have a water balloon fight today?"
"Sure sounds fun I'll go get dressed and we can go to the store." I say while finishing my last pancake. I get up and get dressed and we head out to the store. I can't help but look over to the guys place which reminds me that I haven't been on my phone at all and that I left it at the house. We arrive to the local Walmart and head to the kids section we grab a bunch of water guns way too many for two people but who cares and a bunch of other water activities.  We make our way back and by now it's around 1pm and we have to leave for the concert at 7pm so we have time. I go start to fill everything up in our back garden and we start to have a water fight. Isabella is chasing me around the garden and we are having so much fun that I don't hear my phone ringing. Turns out that jimmy was calling me about the job and the group decided to come over and check if I was okay as they haven't heard or seen me all day.
Jimmys pov
"I wonder if she is okay?" Chris says to everyone.
"She will be she probably don't have her phone on her" Jake says.
The boys arrive at the house and knock on the door, there was no answer.
"Where could she" I start to say something but is cut off by screams. They all look at each other confused and concerned.
"That sounded like it was from the garden" chandler says to the others causing them to go round the back to get into the garden. The gate was unlocked so they just open it and they find Katie and what they assume is Isabella in the garden drenched in swimwear chucking and playing with water guns.
"Holy fuck that's hot" chandler says causing Chris to slap him around the head.
Katie's pov
We didn't realise that the boys were in the garden watching us and Isabella throws her water balloon at me and I duck causing us to look at the direction it went when we see the boys standing there. Ethan grabs his camera and starts filming. The water balloon hits Chris right in the face causing him to groan and everyone laugh. Isabella has never met these people before so to her this is very strange a group of random guys one with a camera and she runs at them with a rock she just picked up and tackles jimmy to the floor. Leaving everyone shocked.
"WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY GARDEN?" Isabella screams at jimmy, who looks scared shitless. I start bursting out laughing and so do the guys however jimmy doesn't dare say anything and that just annoys her even more.
"GET UP" she grabs him by his shirt causing him to get up. "I won't ask you again" she says to jimmy and the rest of them threatening them with the rock. At this point I'm on the floor crying with laughter as this is just too funny. Jimmy makes eye contact with me and I know I have to help him as everyone else is too scared to move.
"Isabella hey hey it's okay I know them, they are the ones I met the other day and who's house I was at yesterday." I say making my way over there. She lets jimmy go and he runs back to the group who are still laughing.
"Omg I'm so sorry." She says to them all.
"It's okay I get that would of been very scary and odd and I apologise but god remind me never to get on the wrong side of you." Chandler says.
"Yeah same here and my god you have a good hit my face it burning from that water balloon" Chris says making her bow and say thank you.
"That was so hot." Jake slips out clearly not meaning to as he goes red afterwards causing Isabella to blush as well and go quite.
"Anyways erm what are you doing here?" I ask them.
"Well I tried to call you and when we didn't hear back from you we decided to come over but you didn't answer, then we heard screaming and came to check if your okay." Jimmy explains.
"Oh sorry I haven't been on my phone all day" I reply
"Yeah it fine I was just going to go over the job details and other things."
"Okay let's head inside." Everyone heads inside and Isabella hangs out with the group in the living room while me and jimmy go to my room for quietness. I go get dried off and come back and jimmy is sitting on my bed.
"Hey I'm ready now" I say to him smiling.
"Hey. So when working with me you will be basically helping editing the videos as we plan to post more and help us film them and maybe be in them if you want."
"Yeah that sounds really fun I can't wait to start."
"Yeah about that we kind of starting to film a video tomorrow and we was wondering if you wanted to be in it, Isabella can as well."
"What's the video?"
"It's the last person to keep their hand on the car wins the car"
"That sounds so cool I really need a better car so I definitely will be there and so will Isabella."
"That's great"
I only just realised how close we were alone on my bed I started to get butterflies in my stomach. If we moved any closer we might as well be kissing. I took this opportunity to take in his appearance. He had good skin, good hair, amazing eyes, his build was not too muscular but not extremely skinny either he looked human and my type. I realise I been looking at him for way to long now and start to blush.
"So have you got any plans for tonight?" He asks me.
"Yeah actually me and Isabella are going to go see Billie Eilish." I say excitedly.
"That's so cool well I hope you have fun do you need a ride or anything?" He asked me.
"Oh no it's okay we will just call an Uber don't want to be any trouble thank you though."
"Come on it's fine I'm not doing much anyway tonight I will drive you, What like around..?"
"7pm got it" he stands up and we both head down stairs. We all hang out playing COD and Isabella and Jake have been very flirty and getting very close to each other. I can clearly tell he likes her.

End of chapter four

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