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Chandler comes over and sits next to me on the sofa and he whispers in my ear.
"Can you see it too?"
"What are you on about?"
"Isabella and Jake"
"Oh yeah I think everyone can see it. They are all over each other, but I'm happy for her haven't seen her this happy over a guy in a while."
Chandler just smiles at me and pulls his phone out. I watch him and see him start to text a girl called 'Lauren❤️' which I assume is his girlfriend. I remember jimmy telling me that he has a girlfriend so it doesn't surprise me. I look at him and we are very close, his head is resting on my shoulder and his hands are resting on my legs helping him keep his phone there. I look over to see if anyone else has noticed how close we are and if they think it's odd. My gaze meets jimmys and he looks almost jealous, nah that can't be it he don't like me like that I'm just being stupid. Yes I admit I have a slight crush on him but I know nothing is going to happen there. However I still need to tell someone even if it's not jimmy himself to see if I'm crazy or not.
"Hey chandler" I whispered to him.
"Yeah Katie?" He reply's putting his phone away and looking at me.
"I can trust you right?"
"Of course why what's up?" He looks at me concerned.
"I need to tell you something.." I look down regretting ever saying something.
"Yeah what is it?" He looks at me confused.
"OH SHIT" Isabella randomly shouts making everyone jump. "Katie it's 6:30 we need to leave at 7pm and we still aren't dressed."
"Shit" I say running to go get dressed. Isabella says goodbye to the guys and she goes gets dressed herself.
It's now 6:50 and I'm ready.
"Gosh that's record speed" I start to head down stairs and notice jimmy is still here.
"Oh hey jimmy have you been here the whole time?"
"Yeah I told you I would give you a ride I am a man of my word." He smiles at me. I go over and sit next to him and i see that he is looking at me and not saying anything. God have I got something on my face? Oh no.
"Have I got something on my face?" I ask him
"Huh...what? Oh no no haven't." He says shyly.
"Then what are you looking at?" I ask him confused.
"You just look really beautiful Katie." You can tell he was nervous.
"Oh... thank you jimmy don't know when the last time a guy has said that to me." I say while blushing.
"Then every guy is stupid Katie you gorgeous" he smiles to me moving close to me.
My heart starts to race and I can't believe this is actually real. He quickly moves away and his face goes unreadable and he stands up.
" should go see if Isabella is ready as we need to go if you want to make it."
Shocked and a little taken back about what just happened I slowly nod my head and walk upstairs.
We all get into the car and the concert was amazing, Jimmy was a great guy he cane to pick us up afterwards even when I tried to tell him no.
-time skip to a couple of weeks-
Today is my birthday and I haven't heard from jimmy since the concert. I've been hanging out with Ethan a lot to edit the videos together and it's been great. I seen jimmy a couple of times but he never spoke to me for more that 2 minutes. I been keeping in touch with everyone else and we all gotten really close. Me and chandler are like best friends now, Jake and Isabella are a thing and they are really cute, they hang out a lot just them.
I get out of bed and head for the shower and get dressed in a nice clothes as it's my birthday and want to look decent. I put on a high waisted denim skirt and a cute white top paired with white ankle socks and my vans. I head down stairs and is met with everyone including jimmy.
"HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY KATIE!!!" Everyone screamed.
"Omg guys thank you!" I rush over to them and jump into a group hug causing the people closest to me to all fall down, which were me, Isabella, chandler, Chris and.....jimmy. Everyone was moaning and the rest were laughing. I didn't mean to knock everyone over but I'm glad I did. I needed up landing on Jimmys chest with me sitting on him my legs each side of him and his legs underneath me. We look into each other's eyes and don't say a thing till the other catch on and Chris shouts "ooooo Katie and jimmy" then starts making kissing sounds. Me and jimmy both blush and get up straight away.
"So Katie we all have plans for today. You can come shopping with me to get an outfit of tonight and then we can meet up later on and get food. You can then chill and do whatever you want until tonight were me and you are going clubbing!" She says excited.
"Sure sounds like fun."
"Sorry Katie we wanted to spend today with you but we have this video we need to shoot and bunch on meetings that was planned before we met you that can't be changed." Chris says sadly.
"Aw that sucks but I understand so don't worry we will hang out soon though yeah?"
"Definitely" chandler says and gives me a hug and everyone leaves.

End of chapter
(Sorry this wasn't great but I promise it's going to get better)

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