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I wake up in a room I'm not familiar with and I feel horrible. I can barely open my eyes and every bone in my body aches. Once I gain the strength to open my eyes I see so many wires coming out my arm leading to what looks like a monitor. I look around when I notice a guy sitting at the side of me holding my hand.
"Grayson?" I try to speak but it came out barely audible.
He immediately looks at me so fast I thought he was going to get whiplash.
"Omg Katie your awake!" He says loudly causing me to hold my head in pain.
"Shit sorry we were all so worried about you stay their I'm going to go get a nurse then get the others."
He runs out before I can reply and the next thing I know Isabella, Jimmy, Ethan and Grayson all come running in and then a nurse comes in. The nurse checks me over and then leaves. Isabella runs to me sobbing and starts to apologise.
"Katie I'm so sorry I'm such a shit friend, I don't know what I would do if Grayson and Ethan didn't save you." She says wiping her tears.
"Hey hey look at me." She looks me in the eyes and I can see how much of a mess she is. Her eyes are red and puffy from crying.
"I'm okay, it's okay" I say and pull her into a hug. She hugs me back tight and then let's go and goes to sit down where Grayson was sitting previously.
Ethan and Grayson both make their way over to me and give me a big group bear hug and I just thank them multiple times and I can already tell that we are going to be best friends, we get on so easily and I owe them massively. Then they joined Isabella and I looked at Jimmy properly for the first time and my heart ached at the sight. His hair was all over the place, his eyes were worse than Isabellas like he hasn't stopped crying his clothes were the same as the ones he wore the last time I saw him, he just looked like he stopped caring about himself and he looks so lost. I felt like I was going to cry by just looking at what I did to him no no sorry what Jackson did to him, what he did to all of us.
"We leave you two alone for a bit" Isabella said as her, Ethan and Grayson left the room.
"Katie" he whispered
"Jimmy" I whispered back
He rushed over to me and gave me the most loving hug I have ever felt and I just burst out crying. Everything finally hitting me. This caused him to hug me tighter and then let go of me holding my hand and wiping my tears with his other.
"You had no idea how scared I was, I swear down if I ever see that guy that did this to you I wouldn't be able to control my anger"
"Jimmy I'm so sorry I didn't think about anything I just wanted to have fun."
"Hey it's okay this isn't you fault I'm just so glad that your okay." He says smiling at me never letting go of my hand. I could tell how tired he was and it made me wonder how long I've been here for.
"How long have I been here for?"
"A week"
"A week!" I thought I have been in here for a couple of days at maximum.
"I haven't left your side since I've been so scared that you might wake up alone or something could happen to you without anyone realising. I just couldn't bring myself to leave other then go to the cafeteria to get food."
My heart was beating so fast after he said that so I moved over on the bed and made enough room so that he can lay down next to me.
"Come cuddle with me and sleep as I can see your very tired and I'm getting sleepy as well."
He moved up to my spot I made for him and wrapped his arms around me. I put my head on his chest. It was peaceful and it made me feel safe again for the first time in a while. After a couple of minutes I hear jimmy whisper my name causing me to look at him.
"I don't know what I would of done with myself if something happened to you that night. I know we have basically only just met but I never felt this way about anyone before. Which is why I don't know how to act around you and why I didn't speak to you a lot when you first started your job and I apologise for that as I now see how that was stupid for me to do. I know you probably don't feel the same way I mean look at you and then look at me you are stunning and I'm just me.." jimmy starts to ramble on about how he isn't good enough for me blah blah blah. I had enough causing me to put my index finger on his lips shushing him causing him to blush and go shy maybe from my touch or he just realised he was just rambling for a good 5 minutes. I look into his eyes and then I start to lean in to kiss him, I start to feel nervous and butterflies in my stomach. He leans in as well and we have our first kiss. It was amazing. After a couple of seconds jimmy gets more confidence and pushes me down gently not breaking the kiss and only deepens the kiss. Our tongues fight for dominance and he wins. We carry on like this what feels like forever and we only stop to catch our breathe.
"Wow" jimmy says while blushing causing me to go even redder than him and he falls back down on the bed next to me and we cuddle again but this time we both fall asleep. 

End of chapter

Sorry for not updating but I'm home now and I just realised that I never did a chapter fir the video that they were going to be in the last one to keep their hand on the car wins it so I'll probably just do it in a couple chapters and try and figure it out. Tbh I completely forgot I wrote that. Anyway hope you enjoy this chapter. PEACE ✌️

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