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Jimmy helped me get the suit on, he gave me a light weight top to put on underneath. I couldn't move my arms causing jimmy to laugh at me.
"Awww look at you, you can't do anything." He laughed in my face causing me to pout and kick him in the leg.
"Hey ouch"
"Don't make fun of me then jimbo"
"Tf is jimbo" he says while cringing.
"It will be your name if you carry on making fun of me." I smirked at him.
"Oh yeah?" He smirked back moving closer to me.
"Yeah." I whispered back as his face was so close to mine I could fell his breath on my face. He leans down about to kiss me and I close my eyes waiting for him to kiss me but the kiss never happened. I no longer feel his presence near me and I open my eyes very confused to see jimmy running away laughing his head of.
"You shouldn't of called me jimbo!" He shouts at me.
"Fuck You!" I shout back that little tease I think to myself and take a mental note to get him back. I make my way carefully towards the group as if I fall I have no arms to protect me. I finally get there and they all are looking at me.
"What?" I ask confused why they are all looking at me.
"We have been waiting for you two love birds for 40 minutes." Garrett says.
Oh shit was it really that long? Oops thought it was like 10 minutes.
"Sorry I couldn't get the suit on." I say.
"Yeah yeah let's just start filming yeah?" Chris says laughing with the rest causing me and jimmy to blush. Jimmy enters the room and starts talking to the camera.
"We will be spending 24hrs in this here insane asylum but we are going to be doing it a little different this time. There is two teams the red team and the black team." He says to the camera.
"On the red team we have Chris and Ethan." Jimmy says and the camera goes to the door and both Chris and Ethan run through making their entrances. While jimmy talks to them and the camera I turn to chandler who is on my team.
"What should we do for our entrance?" I ask him.
"Ermm Oh I know get on my shoulders."
"But we cant use our arms?" I say to him.
"Garrett quick put Katie on my shoulders."
Right after he says that Jake comes over and puts me on chandlers shoulders with ease which I don't understand as I'm not the lightest person in the world.
"And on the black team we have Katie and Chandler." We hear jimmy say and chandler says to me.
He starts to walk and it's hard to keep my balance we manage to fit through the door and we enter. Everyone laughs at us causing chandler to get too hyped and start running around forgetting that I have no arms to keep me from falling.
"Chandler no I'm going to fall." I say while laughing but he couldn't hear me as everyone was wetting themselves as they were laughing to hard. All a sudden chandler loses his balance causing him to fall forwards and me to fall backwards. I let out a scream and shut my eyes to prepare myself for the impact of the ground. By this time chandler was already on the ground as I was higher up then him I fall down slower, meaning everyone was looking at me. I wait for the impact of the floor but it never came instead I landed on something warm and I open my eyes to be met with the eyes I know so well, Jimmys. Our faces were inches apart and everyone is silent worried that we are both hurt.
"Hi" jimmy says laughing causing everyone to laugh.
"Hi" I whisper back as my face goes red causing jimmy to laugh more, he helps us both up and we get to our feet.
"You okay?" He asks me as I did fall from quiet a height.
"Yeah I'm fine your body broke my fall so I should really be asking if you're okay?"
"I'm good don't worry about me." He looks at me and smiles I return it. Jimmy carries on the introduction after we all have calmed down and we start the timer but before the rules are explained to us.
"So you can not make any deals or anything if you even talk about a deal your team loses and the other team get the 10k. I'm looking at you chandler" as he lightly pushes him causing laughs to come from us all.
"Now I feel bad for Katie as she has the disadvantage of having chandler on the team but not much we can do about it now." Chris says and chandler acts like his words hurt him. Jimmy starts the timer and makes sure the cameras inside the room are working then everyone leaves so only the teams remain in the room.
-time skip 3 hours-
Everyone is getting a little bored now as the wave of energy everyone had at the beginning had worn off. Jimmy has been coming in to check on us and to get content. Currently I'm sat in one of the four corners by myself until chandler comes over and sits down next to me.
"Hey chan chan"
"Hey kitty"
"I really need to pee." I tell him and he chuckles.
"Me too thank god I'm not the only one now you can help me convince jimmy to let us pee outside. Normally he would make us pee in the corner in some sort of container but he wouldn't make you do that especially in front of a bunch of guys." He winks.
"Omg chandler shut up." I say blushing knowing that people would hear this conversation as we all had microphones on us to record what we say.
"Oh you know it's true he wants you all to himself." He says while pushing me with his shoulder causing my face to go even redder. He just chuckles. We both stand up and make our way into the middle so the cameras could definitely see us we both start shouting 'JIMMMY' to get his attention he wasn't replying to us.
"Shout jimbo instead" I say to chandler.
"He hates it."
"Oh okay then." He laughs we both look at each other and nod.
"JIMBOOOOO JIMBOOOOOO JIMBOOOO." We both shouted the loudest we could causing Chris and Ethan to moan and face-plant the floor. We hear people outside the room laugh and the door opens to reveal an annoyed Jimmy and a camera to follow him.
"what do you guys want I'm trying to eat here." He says clearly annoyed by the nickname.
"Hey jimbo." I say causing him to roll his eyes.
"Was there actually anything you wanted or did you just want to mess with me." He laughed.
"Yeah me and Katie need to pee." Chandler says causing jimmys cheeks to go red.
"Now I mean normally you would make us pee in the corner into something with a sheet for privacy but I know you would want Katie to have to pee in front of a bunch of guys would you now jimbo." Chandler teases him causing me to laugh.
"Yeah that's not happening I mean I would never make a girl do that." Jimmy says thinking.
"Alright if I let you guys pee outside I'm going to have to make life harder in here." He says and the red team joins us.
"Step on the right side if you still want to go pee outside and the left if you don't want that."
We all go to the right apart from Chris causing us to laugh.
"Sorry Chris 3-1" chandler says earning a groan to cone from the man.

Hey guys sorry it's been a while but I'm going to do another chapter now a upload it soon as it's done which probably would be soon. PEACE ✌️

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