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I wake up to my alarm at 7 am and I start to get ready to go look for a job. I go for a shower and grab my laptop to try and find some editing jobs or anything at this point. I look what feels like forever without finding anything. I decided to just post an ad on a job website asking if anyone is looking for an editor in North Carolina. I look at the time and it's 1pm I decided to go to get something to eat so I look up good food places near me and find a sushi restaurant and grab my keys to get there. I would invite Isabella but she working and won't be back till 6pm. I leave the house and look over to where I met the groups of guys last night and see a familiar face come out the door. It was the muscular guy with a beard from yesterday. He was wearing the 'Mr Beast' hoodie like the guy yesterday. I must of been looking so a while as he realised and look over at me.
"Oh hey" he says jogging over to me.
"Hey sorry didn't mean to seem like a weirdo" I say while giggling.
"It's fine don't worry about it. It's Katie right?"
"Yeah that's right and I never caught your name?" I say while looking at him.
"It's Jake." He says with a smile.
"Well it's nice to meet you Jake but I was on my way to go get some sushi and I would love to stay and chat but I'm staving."
"Omg no way I was on my way to get some for the jimmy and the rest want to go together?"
"Sure your car or mine?"
"Let's go in mine." He says as we start to cross the road and get in his car.
"So what made you move here I can tell your not from here."
"Well Isabella got a job here and I wanted a fresh start after university so I decided to come with her and try and find a job myself, haven't found one yet but hopefully I will soon."
"Ahhhh that's sounds cool well I've lived here all my life you will love it here and if you ever need someone to show you around don't be afraid to ask."
"Don't worry I will. How old are you if you don't mind me asking?" I ask remembering it could be taken the wrong way.
"I am 27 you?"
"I'm 20 21 in a couple of months so August."
"Ahhhhh that's cool."
We continue to talk to one another and he seems like a really cool person and fun guy to be around. We arrive at the sushi place and we go and order the food. We grab the food and head back to the car. I couldn't help but notice how much Jake ordered.
"Why did you order so much food?"
"Ohhhh yeah this may look strange" he laughs while pointing to the 3 bags of sushi. "We are doing this challenge where the guys are staying in a tub of slime for the longest amount of time and the winner gets $10,000"
"Woah that's a large amount of money" I say shocked by his answer.
"Yeah but it's all for the content" he chuckles
"Content?" I question confused about what he meant.
"Oh yeah we are YouTubers that's why we were filming with cameras last night when you basically told us to shut up" he laughs
"I did not I said in a lovely way keep it down" I laugh back at him. "But that's cool that you do youtube I have always secretly wanted to be one."
We arrive back at the house and I help Jake bring the food in to the rest of the guys as my sushi is in one of the bags.
"Hey guys I have returned with the FOOD." He shouts the last bit making me jump. "Sorry Katie didn't mean to scare you." He chuckles.
I walk into the building and inside it was like a giant warehouse but full of filming equipment and other things, but the most noticeable thing was the wooden box full of slime with 5 guys inside.
"Katie?" Chandler turns around and is clearly surprised to see me here.
"Hey" I look at everyone and my god are they are attractive. Now it's day time and I can actually see I can now appreciate their looks even though they are all covered in slime. Me and Jake make our way over to them and this tall brown haired guy comes out holding a camera wearing a shirt that said 'Mr Beast' it's the same guy I saw wear the shirt yesterday.
"Jake did you get the food-" he stopped talking once his eyes met mine. He had green/blue eyes and a small amount of facial hair, he has got to be around 6 foot 4 which is taller than me, even though I'm a tall girl at 5'10
"Hey it's Katie the girl from across the street right?" He comes over to me and gives me a hug.
"Yeah that's me? You are?"
"I'm jimmy and that over there as you already know is chandler and the others are Chris, Garrett, Ethan and Bailey"
"Hey" I turn around and wave at them.
"Yeah we ran into each other on the way to get sushi and decided to go together." Jake says to Jimmy.
"Ahhh that's cool well let me at it" he makes grabbing hands towards the sushi making us all laugh. Jake gives him the bag and Jimmy looks for his. He then gives the guys the bag and they grab theirs. Eventually the bag goes back to you and you get your food. The guys start tucking into their food wasting no time however I couldn't help feel a little awkward and way out of place. Everyone there were best friends and I'm a complete stranger who they have known for like 10 minutes.
"So Katie" Chris looks at you while shoving food in his face. "What do you do for a living"
"Well I still looking for a job but I just finished university in editing and camera stuff so yeah."
"Oh that's sick." Ethan replies. "I'm an editor myself." You can clearly see his face light up.
"Are you any good?" Ethan asks.
"Well I like to think I am" I reply.
"Jimmy don't we need a new editor to help Ethan and Bailey as we plan to make more videos?" Chris asks Jimmy.
"Yeah we do actually are you interested?" Jimmy now turns and looks at you.
"Hell yeah." I reply quickly making them all laugh.
"Well why don't we go see your skills after we eat?" He asks me looking a little nervous. It only just hit me how cute he is when he nervous causing me not to reply.
"Erm Katie?" He looks at me concerned.
"Huh? Oh yeah we can do that, yeah." I shyly reply realising that everyone just probably saw the way I was looking at Jimmy. I just couldn't help it.

End of chapter two

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