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We finished the dinner that we ended up getting all for free for the incident that happened earlier, even though jimmy tried to pay they refused it. Although jimmy being jimmy left a huge tip but with a note making sure the guy from before gets none of it.
We make our way out of the restaurant our fingers wrapped around each other's, fitting together perfectly. The cold wind hitting our skin as the night sky is lit up by stars. In every direction there is a star, should I fly into the universe any way would be the right way. I tilt my head, gazing upward, eyes more open than they can be in the fullness of day, looking at one star, yet somehow seeing them all at once. The milky speckles twirled and danced along the sky in various patterns, tugging at the corners of my lips in a way that made me smile. I stop memorised by the sight feeling jimmy stop beside me, I look at him feeling amazed to be here in the most beautiful night with the person who has quickly become the most important person in my life, the person I admire the most. Everyone has at least someone in life that stands about the rest as a person you admire. A person that you may know very well or someone with whom you have only met a couple of times. But, it's their character or what they have achieved or how this person believes in you makes them worthy to be admired. His eyes meet mine with a smile that hasn't left his face all night like it was tattooed on. I looked at eyes, his eyes were like  a perfect spring sky, his mind clear and his smile warmer than the gentle sun. His eyes were blue that were framed with thick long lashes. Not the ordinary sky blue, or the colour of the paint flaking off of the old shed in the back of the field, or even the little flowers that spring up by the side of the road. His eyes were blue like the sea, crystal clear blue- shimmering and crashing and churning. Looking into his eyes you could hear the waves falling against the shore, see the foam flying into the air. His eyes were blue like the sky right before the sun disappears- dark rich indigo, with specks of wild colours here and there. His eyes were blue like that warm wool sweater that you put on when the air gets that chill- comfortable, warm, familiar. His eyes were that kind of blue.
"You ready to go?" He says to me giving my hand a squeeze his words bringing me from my thoughts. I just simply nod in response and we make our way over to his car. Our hands finally leaving each other's as we head off in different directions to get into the car.
"I have something else planned but we can go home if you are tired." He says while putting his seatbelt on.
"I'm not tired I would love to go." I say smiling a toothy grin at him, happy the night isn't over quite yet.
"Perfect I want it to be a surprise though." He says while reaching for something in the back, he pulls out a blindfold causing me to raise my eyebrow at him.
"You want me to wear a blindfold? Getting a bit kinky isn't it jimmy." I tease him while sending a wink in his direction causing him to blush.
"Shut up its not like that I just want it to be a surprise it's not far from here or I would make you put it on when we were closer." He says while handing me the black blindfold.
"Fine." I say with a huff causing him to laugh.
"You better not kidnap me and murder me jimmy." I say as I put the blindfold on letting the darkness fill my eyesight.
"I would never do such a thing." He says in a offended way. I just laugh as I hear him start the car as we make our way the mystery destination. I can hear his fingers drum against the stirring-wheel along to the beat of the song that was softly playing, I smile at him even though I don't know if he can see.
"People keep looking into the car with concerned looks." He says causing me to laugh.
"Well it does look a bit odd a guy driving around with a blindfolded girl next to him. Looks like so crazy porno or you look like a psycho." I say still laughing earning a laugh from jimmy.
"God I hope they don't think it's a porno my subscribers would be so confused." He says as I feel a hand grip my thigh causing my heart beat to quicken by the simple gesture.
"We are nearly here princess." He says while giving my thigh a small squeeze. He drives for a little longer before I hear the cars tires come to a stop.
"So you are going to have to keep the blindfold on but we have to walk about 10 minutes don't worry I'll guide you, I promise it's going to be worth it." He says getting out the car and making his way over to my side. He opened the car door and held my hand as I got out the car.
"Right you are going to have to trust me okay?"
"I trust you jimmy lead the way." I say as he grabs my hand and leads me into the Unknown. After about 10 minutes of walking I feel jimmy stop and let go of my hand.
"Stay here I'll be back in to seconds I'm only going a couple of steps away." I nod as I hear his footprints walk away from me leaves crunching beneath his feet. I feel him walking back over to me and he wraps his hands around my waist as he stands behind me.
"You ready?" He says as he lays his head in my shoulder.
"Yes." I gently say as I feel his hands leave my waist and towards my blindfold, he gently pulls it off letting me see where we are. I blink a couple of times to focus my eyesight, I look around and see the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. It was a truck and the back full with blankets fairy lights and bunch of other things in a random field which we were the only ones in. My eyes watered at the sight as no one has ever done anything like this for me. I feel my mouth open from shock and I see jimmy looking at me nervously scratching the back of his neck.
"Jimmy.." I say looking at him.
"You don't like it do you... I knew it was a stupid thing I'm sorry we can-" I cut him off by smashing my lips against his catching him by surprise as he stumbles a bit but he kisses me back and we only pull away from lack of air.
"I love it jimmy god how are you so amazing." I say while catching my breath.
"You do?" He says with a smile.
"Fuck yes this is what I love something that doesn't cost loads but has so much thought and meaning put into it." I say my eyes still brimming with tears. Jimmy just smiles and brings me into a big hug, he lifts me up and spins me causing a shriek to leave my lips. I wrap my legs around his waist as he spins me again he places me down on the blankets. He goes round to the front of the car and brings back a bag. He reaches in the bag pulling out a pair of Mr beast sweatpants and a hoodie as the night was getting colder and colder by the minute.
"I brought you these as I don't want my girl getting sick, even though you look stunning in that you will still look stunning to me in anything." He says passing me the clothes my heart skipped a beat at the new nickname, I smiled and took the clothes jumping down so I can change into them. I start to take off my my dress revealing my favourite lingerie. I saw jimmys eyes widen and his mouth opened. I smirked at his reaction walking over to him not caring about the cold air against my skin. He let out a noticeable gulp as the gap between them closed he still wasn't moving or saying anything like he was under her spell. I grabbed his arms leading him over to the back of the truck pushing him down gently. His eyes were full of love and lust as he watched my every move. I sit on his lap and start kissing his neck knowing where he sweet spot was sucking earning a moan to escape his lips. I started messing at the bottom of his now untucked shirt. I start to undo his buttons kissing the spot where it was each time I undid a button, showing him love in each kiss. I could feel his heart rate quicken at every move and his eyes wasn't leaving me. I undo the last button fully taking off his shirt and placing it somewhere, I start kissing down his v line rubbing my palm against his boxers. It was different then the times before where we have teased each other and so on, this felt needed by both of us desperate need to make the other feel good feel loved. I start to move back up to his face kissing him deeply again while moving my hips causing his member to harden beneath me. We make out for a while before i pull away not breaking eye contact with jimmy I move down to his tent in his boxers the sight making me want him badly. I undo his belt and place it with the shirt from before as I make my way to the zip of his trousers. I slowly pull his trousers off leaving us both in our underwear not caring nor feeling the cold crisp air against our skin as one another's body heat was enough for them. Still looking into jimmys eyes I take off my bra leaving me in just my thong the action making jimmys dick twitch. I see jimmy sit up a bit so he back is leaning against the pillows at the wall of the truck so he can get a better view of everything I was doing. I move my whole body downwards making sure he has a good view as I remove his boxers, his dick hits his stomach earning a sigh of relief from jimmy. He must of been about 8 inches at least making my eyes widen, he must of noticed my expression as he reassured me everything will be fine. I lean down bringing my mouth closer to the tip of his dick which was already leaking with pre-cum. I lick the tip get rid of the pre-cum causing Jimmy's whole body to shutter. I then lick the base all the way to the tip before taking his full length in my mouth using my hand for anything I couldn't fit in. I hear Jimmy's moans turning me on encouraging me to go faster and take more of him in. I fit his whole length in my mouth and us my hand to massage his balls, his hand going in my hair helping me. I feel his dick twitch inside my mouth signalling that he was about to cum, I go faster as I hear Jimmy's moans get more frequent and soon I feel him release his load into my mouth, I swallow lick up any extra while still pumping letting jimmy ride out his high. I see him get up and gently flip us over so now he was on top and I was sitting up a bit, his eyes looking at every part of my body in amazement and love. He starts to suck on my neck causing me to get wetter than I already was as he rubs me through my thong. He slowly slides my thong down and I feel two of his fingers rub my clit before entering me. I gasp at the feeling as jimmy starts to move his long fingers inside of me, he starts to suck on the red mark he has left on my neck while moving his fingers faster earning a loud moan from me. I feel his soft plump lips leave my neck as he kisses down my stomach before stoping just before my vagina. I feel him lick my clit cause my body to shutter as he also adds another finger while he sucks my clit.
"Omg fuck baby don't stop." I moan to him as I feel the familiar feeling in my stomach hitting I'm close. He starts to go even faster which I didn't know was possible pushing my over the edge releasing over his fingers. He lets my ride out my high before pulling them away licking up the juices left while reaching for a condom.
"You don't need one I haven't got anything you could catch and I'm on birth control." I say to him earning a smile from him as he puts it back and makes his way closer to me. He grabs his dick rubbing it against me as he kisses me, everything he does each action is filled with love causing me to smile.
"Your not are virgin are you?" He asks me and I telling him that it's not my first time. He lines himself up at my entrance and slowly enters me. My eyes shut with pleasure mixed with a little pain at his size as it's been a while, he lets me get used to it before he starts moving faster while giving me a deep kiss. His eyes are shut from pleasure, droplets of sweat dripping down his forehead. He starts to thrust faster earning multiple moans from me into our kiss causing him to smirk, he pulls away thrusting harder and faster each time I wrap my legs around his waist helping steady him. I feel a knot start to form in my stomach as we are both moaning messes, feeling his dick fill me up. He brings a hand to my breast squeezing as his other hands rubs against my clit.
"Daddy please faster I'm so close." I say between moans the nickname sparked something inside as he goes faster than before hitting my g-spot with each thrust sending me over the edge releasing all over him. I flip us over so I'm on top sitting back down on his dick, taking every inch of him. I start to ride him while looking up into the sky I can feel his gaze on me as he watches my every move. I start to go faster earning loud moans to come from jimmy as I feel him twitch inside me signalling that he is close. He placed his hands on my waist helping me and starts thrusting matching my pace making the the pleasure intensify leaving us both in a large moan filled mess. I feel myself about to cum for the fourth time as we both quicken our pace,
"Daddy I'm going to cum again."
"Me too princess." He grunts. "Cum for me baby." He words sending me over the edge as I once again cum over his dick and a couple seconds later I feel his juices fill me up inside. After a couple of minutes of us catching out breaths we both put clothing back on cleaning ourselves up and cuddle up next to each other in a comfortable silence.
"That was amazing." Jimmy says breaking the silence.
"It was, worth the teasing and waiting." I say back to him still slightly out of breath feeling tiredness take over my body as I rest my head on jimmys chest.
"100%." He breaths out and with that we both let sleep take over us.

*Not edited or read through*
2760 words :)
Sorry for the long wait but college has started now and it's going to get harder to upload as summer is over :/ ANYWAYS hope you enjoyed this cheeky chapter (god that was cringe) I need holy water after writing that. PEACE ✌️

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