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I wake up to people talking. I slowly open my eyes and look at jimmys watch it's 3:30am why is someone awake? I look over and see Chris talking to one of the cameras he looks like he is in pain, he his arms out of the suit. I slowly get out of jimmys grip without waking him up and head over to Chris.
"Hey are you okay?" I whisper.
"No I have terrible pains in my ears they get real bad during the night time I think I'm going to have to quit." He whispers to me still filming.
"Oh I'm sorry Chris that sucks. I'll go wake up jimmy" he nods and continues to talk the the camera while rubbing his head.
"Hey jimmy." I gently nudge him with my legs. No response.
"Hey jimmy." He stirs in his sleep and slowly wakes up. He looks at me with wide eyes.
"Hey Katie what's wrong? Are you hurt? What happened?" He says panicking causing me to let out a small giggle. He looks at me confused.
"I'm fine don't worry but Chris isn't doing well he said he has pains in his ears." He nods walking over to him. They talk for about 5 minutes and jimmy comes back over to me.
"He going home he is in too much pain." I nod and watch as jimmy goes to wake Ethan up to tell him that Chris is leaving. He seems upset but understands. Chris removes the rest of his suit and I watch as jimmy talks to the camera explaining how Chris has to leave on medical grounds like chandler and how it sucks but there is nothing we can do. He finishes and we says bye to Chris. Ethan has already gone back to sleep so once again it's just me and jimmy.
We lay back down in our little corner. Our faces are inches apart and we both are looking at each other.
"Hey" jimmy whispers
"Hi" I whisper back letting out a small chuckle.
I see his looking at my lips then my eyes and repeating himself. I lean in and we kiss. He cups my face with his hand and deepens the kiss. We both pull away needing air. We talk for a little while before we fall back to sleep in the same position as before.
-time skip till the morning-
I start hearing giggles and I can feel a bunch of eyes on me. I still feel like I'm in jimmys arms so he isn't awake yet.
"They are so cute" I hear someone say but I'm so confused that I don't know who.
"Jimmy needs to hurry up and take her on a date so they can make it official." I actually recognise the voice of Chris, his ears must be better.
"They basically already are official. I mean look at them." Garrett says. I then hear a bunch of pictures getting take and start to feel jimmy move which is my signal to get up, pretending that I haven't been up these past couple of minutes. I slowly open my eyes to reveal everyone looking at us even chandler is back with his arm in a cast thing.
"Morning sleeping beauty." Chandler says to me. I roll my eyes and say a croaky morning back to him and everyone. I feel jimmy start to wake up causing me to look at him. God he is so cute. He has hood up and his face is puffy he looks at me and immediately smiles and wraps his arm around me, sitting up to join me.
"Ahhh morning beasty-boy." Chris says and jimmy replies with a raspy morning voice, which is so attractive. God this man is something else. Jimmy gets up and the cameras start filming him.
"Morning guys so the time is 9am meaning we have been at the challenge for 19 hours. The only people left are Ethan." The camera goes to Ethan as he gives a small nod.
"And Katie." The camera goes to me and I give a small wave.
"So they have just woken up and so have I so I'm going to get some coffee." He says and leaves the room. One camera following him and one staying in here.
"So Katie." Ethan says to me.
"So Ethan." I reply.
"How long do you think you can last now."
"Longer than you." I smirk at him.
"Chris" I say and he looks at me.
"How's you ear?"
"It's better thanks for asking still a little bit but it will go later." I nod in reply and then turn to look at chandler.
"Awww my baby chan-chan" causing him to chuckle.
"Hey Kitkat you are doing really well."
"Thanks how's you arm."
"It's fine shouldn't have this on for much longer."
We all get into one big conversation and the camera with us stops filming. Jimmy comes back as we finish the conversation and announces some new rules.
"Right so as this is going to go on forever I have decided just then a couple of new rules." He says to me and Ethan and the camera.
"First rule is you are not allowed to leave this room anymore to pee. You have to hold it or take the L and leave. Second rule there is to be no helping each other or no outside help. Last rule is we are allowed to mess with you to try get you to quit. The winner gets 10k" We all agree to the rules and we carry on. I'm the first one to get messed with as Chris pours water over my head. Ethan then gets eggs cracked on his head by chandler and it goes on like this until we are both covered in different disgusting things making us both want a shower. The door suddenly flies open and another megaphone comes in playing a siren with duck tape around so we can't turn it off.
It has gone on for about 30 minutes giving Ethan a massive headache and I'm starting to get one. Jimmy comes back in trying to get the megaphone but I kick it away every time. While I do it stops making the sounds causing Ethan to cheer. Jimmy laughs.
"Katie stop kicking it away."
"Never." I smile at him.
I kick it hard and it goes far I run as fast as I could and lay on it without breaking it so jimmy can't get it.
"Katie come on give it me." I look over to Ethan and wink and he understands he slowly gets up and heads over to me I slowly get up and push the megaphone into the corner making jimmy follow it. As he bends down to pick it up I say now to Ethan and we both use our bodies to trap jimmy in with us in the corner.
"Guys HELP IM BEING BULLIED." Jimmy shouts causing more people to enter the room.
They laugh at the sight of jimmy being helpless against the two of us.
"Come on jimmy there are only two of them."
"They are freakishly strong."
"That or you're freakishly weak." I say to him. He keeps trying to push his way out causing me to have to use more of my leg power, meaning I had to crouch as little. This caused my ass to rub against jimmys crotch and I hear Jimmy's breathing to stop. I go to remove my ass but at the same time jimmy moves cause me to rub against him more. Luckily no one was watching us. He leans down to my ear and whispers so Ethan couldn't hear. Making a million goosebumps appear on my skin.
"You need to stop that babygirl." He grabs my ass with his left hand and squeezes it, god if someone looks over now and if ethan notices we are fucked. He lets go and removed his crotch from my ass and he pushes past us as I wasn't focusing.
"Katie you let him get away." Ethan scolds me.
"Sorry. We will get him better next time."
-Time skip-
Ethan has been struggling as he really needs to pee and keeps saying he can't hold it any longer. Me however I can hold my pee for hours and even though I need a pee quite badly I can stay. Ethan is pacing around the room trying to make his desire to go to the toilet disappear but fortunately for me it's not working. Ethan sits down moving side to side trying to distract himself when after about 10 minutes he gets up and runs to the door. He bangs on it to get the attention of the others and soon it flies open.
"What's up?" Jimmy says coming into the room with the camera following not too far behind.
"I'm leaving I need to pee can't hold it anymore I'm going to pee myself." Ethan says very quickly.
"Are you really about to let Katie win right now?" Chris says in disbelief.
"Yes! I don't care I need to pee." He breaks his way out of the suit and runs out the room towards the bathroom. Everyone puts their attention on me and heads over to me, I stand up to meet them.
"So Katie you are the winner. How do you feel? You are the first female to win a mr beast challenge and on your first try that's quite an accomplishment." Jimmy says smiling at me.
"Just goes to show how easy your challenges are jimbo." I tease him causing him to roll his eyes and chuckle.
"You have just become 10k richer, what are you going to buy?" Jimmy asks me.
"Definitely a car."

My birthday is officially over:( but check me out 3 uploads in three days?! What's happening to me ALSO new cover photo!x like and comment means a lot PEACE! X

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