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"Alright I guess you can go pee now." The camera stops recording and we all exit as we try and get out of the suits.
"Knew it would work." Chandler says to me smiling."
"Oh shut it chandler" jimmy says laughing while helping him out his suit. Once chandler is fully out he runs to the bathroom causing everyone to laugh.
"Right everyone we going to have a 30 minute break the timer is stopped so you can pee or do what ever you like." Jimmy says to everyone which he gets 'okay' and nods back from multiple people.
Jimmy turns to me and sees that I'm struggling to get out of the suit
"Hey do you need any help?" He asks me making his way over to me.
"Yes please." I reply with a smile.
He starts undoing the buckles and zips making the suit slowly become looser on my skin. His fingertips brush against my neck causing millions of goosebumps to appear on my skin, sending shivers down my spine. How he has this effect on me from one small touch baffles me. He didn't notice what his touch did to me as he just continued to free me from my suit. Once I am out my suit I regret getting out of it in front of others even though they all weren't looking at me I could still feel their presence. I look down and see that I'm only in my underwear and a mr beast T-shirt which comes dangerously close to the bottom of my underwear. One wrong movement and the shirt would rise revealing my bare skin underneath. Jimmy hasn't took his eyes of me the whole time and I can see it in his face that he doesn't like that I'm in front of people in this amount of clothing, that what he is looking at now should only be for his eyes and his eyes only. His eyes finally left mine as he looked around to see if anyone was looking which now a couple were which made his blood boil more. He stepped forwards and he was in front of me doing his best to cover me up. My cheeks were red by now from a mixture of embarrassment and from me being flustered by jimmy. Let me tell you a jealous protective jimmy is hot.
"Follow me" he whispered in my ear in a low voice causing me to shiver once again making me close my eyes. I gulped trying to control myself as I slowly turned around and followed him. He lead me to a part of the warehouse I haven't been in before as it was well hidden and far away from everything else. Jimmy had my suit in his hands as he opened the door. I walked in and looked around it was a bedroom but it was all red and black. There was a king size bed in the middle of the room and other normal bedroom things to fill up spaces. One thing that I did notice was the walls has the soundproof foam on meaning no one could hear a thing from the outside. I look at jimmy as he places my suit of the floor. He points to a door and turns to me.
"Go through that door and you will find a bathroom." He says not breaking eye contact making me feel shy all a sudden. I just nod my head and make my way over to the door. I have a wee and go wash my hands when I looked at myself in the mirror, Jimmy's shirt looked good on me and it smells of him which makes it 10x better. My mind goes to earlier when jimmy teased me and I smirk, time to get him back. I take the top off to reveal my matching dark red bra and thong which funnily enough goes with the room. I quickly run my hands through my hair detangling it the best I could without a brush. Once I'm happy with the way I look I make my way out the bathroom, Jimmy has his back turned to me causing my smirk to grow I quietly go over to the door and lock it. I make my way over to Jimmy I tap his shoulder and flitches and turns around. His eyes widen when he realises what I'm wearing. His face eyes darken with lust as his eyes explore my body but not without his cheeks having a tint of red on them.
"Woah." He manages to say.
"Like what you see baby?" I whisper in his ear and I gently nibble it causing him to shiver.
"Y-Yeah" he stutters clearly flustered by what I'm doing to him.
"I saw you get jealous just then, you don't need to be this is all yours." I say to him while pushing him causing him to fall on the bed. I making my way over to him and I sit on him my legs each side of him. I lean down and start kissing his neck causing him to push his head back and moan giving me more access. I take his top of in one swift motion and start to try find his sensitive spot. He lets out a loud low moan signalling to me that I have found it, I smirk against his skin and suck harder. I start to roll my hips against him causing his member to make an appearance, I start to run my fingertips down his stomach slowly making my way down to the top of his shorts. His breathe hitches as I put more pressure in my rolls and his moans get louder and louder turning me on. Good job this room is soundproof I think to myself. I pull away and smirk as I see what I have done to him he has multiple hickeys all over him but the main one was a the bottom of his neck, which would be a little viable with his shirt on. I look at him and I can see that he so turned on and I can feel his member start to twitch below me causing me to moan. I lean down and kiss him deeply as we make out he starts to rub against me trying to get anything to help him with his situation. I smile into the kiss as I start to make my way down to his shorts kissing down his stomach I look up at him and he is watching my every move I look behind him to see a clock it's been 20 minutes, perfect. I start rubbing my hand against his dick and he throws head back in pleasure, I start to play with the waistband of his shorts and start kissing around his dick.
"Katie. Stop. Teasing. Me." He lets out between moans. I pull his shorts down leaving him in just his boxers. Once again he shuts his eyes and puts his head back waiting for me to continue. However I don't and put my shirt on and place my legs in the bottom of the suit so my bottom half is covered and quickly unlock the door. He looks at me very confused and i just say.
"Next time don't tease me baby."

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