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It's night time now and we all are starting to get ready to sleep. Jimmy lets us go pee one more time before we sleep so we don't have to wake anyone up. However, as chandler was taking his suit off he hurt his shoulder bad so he had to take the L and leave to go get it checked out, leaving me on my own. Chris and Ethan looked like they could go on for ages and it made me sad as I didn't have chandler to keep me company. After jimmy carefully helps me out my suit not wanting the same thing to happen to me I head to the bathroom and pee. I look at myself in the mirror and I look tired I have bags underneath my eyes and my hair is messy. I look around for a brush and to my surprise I find a brand new one, I start to brush my hair getting rid of the knots then I splash some water on my face. I look slightly better then before making me smile as I exit the bathroom. I make my way back over to the rest of the group and jimmy makes his way over to me.
"I'm sorry that you are on your own now chandler has gone." He says to me sending me a sad smile.
"It's fine it's no ones fault just going to be a bit lonely in there." I say looking at him.
"I'll keep you company."
"You don't have to do that. It's not going to be comfortable in there go sleep in a bed or something."
He just laughs and shakes his head at me.
"Your cute when you care about me you know."
My face goes red instantly and I look down trying to hide my blush from him. I hear him chuckle lightly then I feel his finger go under my chin gently pushing my head back up so our eyes meet.
"You look so pretty."
"Jimmy stop I bet I'm a tomato right now." I say as my face goes to an even deeper red.
"I can't help it your adorable when you blush when I compliment you." He leans down and places a small kiss on my lips I kiss him back and end up smiling as we break apart. I wrap my arms around him hugging him and he returns it, he rests his head on mine. My heart is beating so fast, I know we haven't even gone on a proper first date yet but he already means so much to me it's crazy.
"We should start going back to filming." Someone says. I give him one last squeeze as we break apart. He helps me put my suit back on and we all head back into the room, by now we have been filming for over 10 hours now so it's just gone midnight. Jimmy explains what happened to chandler to the camera and saying how I'm now the only one on my team.
"Right so I'm going to let you sleep but before we need to have a dance battle to see who wins pillows." 
The cameras are set up and the lights are flashing different colours. It was Chris first who was not good and then Ethan who was surprisingly good and finally it was mine turn. I'm not a great dancer especially without my arms so I don't do good but it was a good laugh and better then Chris. Ethan ends up winning the pillow which he gladly took and rubbed it in our faces. We all have settled down and Chris and Ethan are fast asleep, leaving just me and jimmy.
"You don't have to be here with me you know? You must be tired and you can't be comfortable." I saw while looking at him.
"Katie stoping worrying about me I want to be here and keep you company and I don't care about sleep I don't normally sleep until late anyway. I also am quite comfortable it's not that bad." He says while smiling at me.
"You really are amazing you know that don't you?" I say to him while looking directly in his eyes causing him to blush.
"Are you blushing jimbo?" I chuckle.
"Oh come on you do it all the time when you are around me." He playfully nudges my shoulder.
"True but I can't help it."
"Neither can I princess."
I swear my head skips a beat every time he calls me a cute nickname. He places a soft gentle passionate kiss against my lips.
"You Katie have become really important to me in such a small amount of time."
"I feel the same way about you."
He just smiles at me and kisses my forehead. I feel so relaxed around him I find myself constantly wanting to be around him or looking at him. I end up watching as he shuts his eyes his head resting against the cushioned wall, taking in every detail about his face. His soft fluffy brown hair resting effortlessly on his head a little sticking to his forehead. His facial hair cleanly shaped on his face, his bushy eyebrows which has a couple random hairs going in different directions. He is wearing one of his MrBeast hoodies which he looks so good in. I don't get how someone can look so good without trying.
"Katie I can feel you staring."
He words quickly snapped me out of my daydream. I quickly looks away and try play it cool.
"I wasn't staring." I say still not looking at him.
"Whatever you say princess."
I start to feel tired and I yawn. I try get comfortable but it's not working making me let out a frustrated groan.
"What's wrong?" Jimmy asks me.
"I can't get comfortable and I'm tired." I reply to him still trying to get comfortable.
"Come here." He says and I move next to him.
"Lay down with me and rest you head on me."
We both lay down and I put my head on his chest immediately feeling comfortable. He wraps one of his arms around my waist and kisses the top of my head. His other hand playing with my hair which feels amazing. I start to drift off to sleep and jimmy must of thought I was asleep as I hear him start to talk to himself
"God the things you do to me princess. You mean so much to me you have no idea." He whispers "You have no idea." He repeats. I then feel his breathing become more relaxed signalling that he is sleeping and I finally let sleep take over me.

ITS MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
Two in two days look at me. This is more of a cute chapter can't have every chapter a little bit saucy ;) LIKE AND COMMENT! PEACE ✌️ XXX

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