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I made my way back over to the group, most were relaxing other were eating snacks. I make my way over to chandler who was stuffing gushers in his mouth causing me to laugh at him.
"Hey chan-chan" he rolls his eyes at the nickname.
"Hey KitKat, where's jimmy?" He looked around for him.
"Yeah about that..." I start and he looks at me with wide eyes.
"God what did you do?"
"Don't think you want to know." I say blushing.
"Omg did you have sex?!" He said a bit loud for my liking.
"What no no one shush you are being so loud, two we were gone like 10 mins."
"So what did you do that so bad that you don't want to tell me." He winks at me causing my cheeks to go even a deeper shade of red, when all a sudden jimmy comes out flustered and gives me a dirty look. He is clearly disoriented from what just happened but trying to play it off the best he could.
"Jesus what did you do to the poor boy he so flustered." Chandler says causing me to laugh drawing jimmys attention back to me. Our eyes meet and I could tell that he was still turned on and I could only imagine what he would do if we were alone right now. God I need to stop before I go just as bad as him. Jimmys voice pulled me away from my thoughts as he begins telling everyone to get into their suits again.
"Right come on we got this kitkat."
I make my way over to jimmy hoping that he will still help me with my suit.
"Hey jimmy can you help me with my suit?" I ask playing innocent and batting my eyelashes at him. I could see in his eyes the effect I had on him and I loved it. He just nodded his head and lead us around the corner so no one could see. Butterflies filled my stomach as we arrived. The second we are out of sight he pushes me against the wall and pins my arms above my head. He slowly brings his mouth towards my ear and growls in a low voice
"Baby girl you're playing with fire, you know what your doing but don't worry princess I will win this." Causing shivers to run down my spine from the new nicknames and before I could even reply or fully process what he just spins me around does my suit up in record speed and smacks my ass hard, so hard that I let a yelp. Fuck that was so hot. I know what he is doing but I can't help it. He lets out a hum in satisfaction and rubs where he just smacked releasing some of the stinging. My cheeks are a deep shade of red and he just smirks at me and we start heading back.
-time skip-
We have been in here for just over 8 hours. Jimmy kept his word that it was going to be harder in here now we went to pee. Every hour there was something new like flour being tipped over us or a megaphone that couldn't be turned off. We all are starting to get hungry waiting for the others to get back with the food. Jimmy told us about 20 minutes ago Garrett and a couple of others left to get us food. Chandler and I are doing well to the others shock, chandler has only wanted to quit a couple of times but now the mention of food he seems better. The door opens to revel jimmy with 3 bags of food, we all rush over to him causing him to laugh.
"So it's been about 8 hours and we have got them food." Jimmy says to the camera while laying everything out.
"We have sushi, burgers, pizza, chips, salad etc etc." He says while pointing to each item of food.
"Come on jimbo is starving." I moan at him causing him to roll his eyes at me at the nickname.
"Yeah come on jimbo." Chandler joins in and Chris and Ethan do the same.
"Omg stop with the nickname, see what you have done katie?" He says while pointing at me I just smirk.
"So what food do you want?"
"Burger." Me and chandler say immediately.
"Sushi" Chris says and Ethan picks pizza.
"Right here you go one thing you can't use your arms I mean I was going to let you but you have to figure it out." He laughs.
"Ugh how are we meant to each a burger without our hands?"
"Shouldn't of gone to the toilet or called me jimbo Katie." He smirks at me causing me to groan in annoyance.
"Right so sit down and we will bring you food over to you."
We all sit down in different corners as jimmy and others bring us what we asked for and everyone a drink as well. We all had one camera on us filming us struggle to eat our food. Ethan had it the easiest as he just had to open the pizza box with his mouth and eat the pizza. However me chandler and Chris were struggling. Chris couldn't figure out how to dip his sushi so he gave up and just didn't have the dip so he eventually joined Ethan in having no problem eating.
"So it looks like Katie and chandler are at a disadvantage as they both can't get the wrap of the burger." Jimmy says the main camera causing me to mentally flip him off, when I got and idea. I picked the burger up using my feet and bought the burger wrapper close to my face using my feet. I lost my balance and ended up on my back but it was working, I slowly removed the wrapper and I could finally eat my burger.
"YES" I shouted causing everyone to jump.
"Kitkat how did you do that." Chandler asks me.
"Kitkat?" Everyone questioned chandler and my nickname.
"Well chan-chan" i started to reply when everyone said "chan-chan?". I replied to him ignoring everyone else. "Put the burger between you feet and bring your feet close to you face and then just remove the wrapper." He tried to to what I said but failed.
"Ugh I can't I'm not flexible enough." Causing me to laugh at him.
"Here I'll help." I said as I tried to stand up after putting my burger on the floor. I make my way over to him and help him removing the wrapper. I was so focused on helping chandler that I didn't see jimmy make his way over to where I was and take my burger and replace my drink with and empty cup of just ice.
"Omg yes you are the best Kitkat."
"Okay so can someone please tell us why you call each other that." Chris says.
"I don't know we just made them up as a joke one day and they kinda stuck, it's also why we call jimmy jimbo." I say to him finally looking at jimmy. He was stood in the corner eating my burger. My eyes widen in shock as I try and get up the fastest I could without any arms and run at him.
"What are you doing!! That's my burger." I say while running after him. He is running around in circles still eating my burger laughing his head off. Everyone is watching us laughing.
I stop out of breath and he stops giving me my opportunity to jump on him. I run at him and jump on him catching him by surprise causing him to fall to the group with a thud me falling on top of him sitting on his stomach and I don't even care that we are being filmed and we are around others. I was fuming that after all that effort he ate my only burger which I only got two bites of.
"Why did you eat my only burger!" I shout at him but he doesn't reply as he is laughing to hard.
"It's not funny jimmy." I say annoyed as I get up and walk away from him causing a bunch of oooos to come from the rest. I sit down in my corner.
"I'm sorry it was just so funny." He says to me still laughing a little and going over to where I was sitting. I don't reply or look at him.
"Katie come on I'm sorry okay." He finally stops laughing. He crouches down to me I look at him and he frowns, he looks so cute but I'm still mad at him so I just rolled my eyes.
"I'll make it up to you." He says as he makes his way over to the spare food and grabs me a big slice of pizza and makes his way back over to me. He sits next to me and puts the pizza to my mouth indicating for me to take a bite.
"Are you really feeding her right now?" Chris says in disbelief.
"Yes He is." I say and then take a bite.
"God jim what has she done to you." They laugh. We both laugh back.
Jimmy continues to feed me until I'm finished which I find so adorable.
"Jimmy can you pass me my drink." His eyes widen and I groan.
"What did you do now?"
"I kinda drank your drink." He says looking at the floor.
"Ugh for god sake."
"Kidding I just swapped it so it looked like I had. I'll go get it now." He reruns a minute later hold my drink and a couple of napkins in his hand. He places the straw at my lips and I take a massive gulp surprising him.
"Jeez you were thirsty." He laughs. By now the cameras have stopped recording just us and are focusing on the rest of the guys. I look at jimmy and quickly place a kiss on his lips making sure we weren't on camera. He gladly returns the kiss and we pull away.
"Does that mean I am forgiven?" He says smiling.
"Yes jimbo you are forgiven."

1680 words! Thank you for being patient with me and the uploads! Also thank you so much for the 3k 🥳 I'm so proud of this book at it means a lot to me that you guys are enjoying it x I'm thinking about changing the cover photo and but I have no idea how to edit or anything so if you can edit or just have ideas I would really appreciate it! xxx PEACE!

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