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The cameras all have stopped filing after it was announced that I had won and jimmy has told them that we are going to go the the dealership tomorrow morning, which will be filmed. I couldn't wait to get a car yes I feel bad for jimmy basically paying for my car but I won the money. Just hope his fans see that and that I'm not some gold digger. Finally, no more public buses, Ubers or having to rely on others to take me places. Anyways I can't wait to finally get the suit off, you don't realise how hard everything is without your arms. Me and jimmy say goodbye to everyone about 10 minutes after and head back to his place.
"Jimmy can you drop me off at mine and Isabellas place?"
He sounds a little taken back by that. It is a little out of the blue.
"Erm sure why?"
"I just need to grab a couple things and I'll walk back over when I'm done. Don't worry I'll be fine you are across the street."
He just nods as we pull up the street he stops so I can get out and he goes into his driveway, he watches me so he knows I get in safe. I give him a small wave and he smiles and walks into the house. I turn around and open the door with my keys. I put my phone on the side and head to my room, I grab all my make up as Isabella only packed me basics but if me and jimmy are going on a date soon I want to be able to do it all. I put the makeup into a random bag I found near my bed and I grab a couple skin care products and go into my wardrobe and reach behind the back of it to my hiding spot and grab my favourite lingerie, your girl got to be prepared. I take it out and carefully place it at the bottom of my bag, it's a  red two piece with some lace. I grab a couple more random things before heading back down and grabbing my phone. I lock the door and head over to jimmys house I look through the window and see that he is playing Minecraft on PS4 I giggle at him and go open the front door.
"Hey jimmy it's me."
"Hey Katie did you get everything you needed." He says as he pauses his game and makes his way over to me. He wraps he arms around my waist and brings me closer to him.
"Yeah I got everything it's in that bag I'll take it upstairs now." I say smiling at him.
"Okay erm so I was wondering do you want to go on a date later?" He says looking directly into my eyes.
My heart fluttered and I feel my cheeks redden.
"I would love to go on a date with you later jimmy." I say not breaking eye contact. He smiles and removes his hands from my waist only to the use them to cup my face. He strokes my cheek and leans in giving me a short kiss but one that was filled with passion.
"How did I get so lucky?" He whispers as he breaks the kiss but he rests his forehead on mine.
"I think I should be the one saying that jim." He smiles and kisses my forehead.
I make my way over to my bag and start heading up the stairs, when I stop and turn back to him.
"What time should I be ready for and where we going so I know how to dress?"
"Be ready for 7 and wear something nice but be comfortable comfortable at the same time."
I nod and continue to my room.
-Time skip-
It's currently 5pm, jimmy said he was going out for a bit but he will be back in time for our date. I'm a little nervous as this would be our first proper date even though we are basically a couple already, well I would like to think so. I hop in the shower and do my normal routine, I get out and put products in my hair. I dry it then curl the ends making sure to brush it so the curls look better. I head over to my wardrobe and start looking for an outfit so I can plan the makeup I'm going to do. It take me about 15 minutes but I finally found an outfit. It's this gorgeous satin wrap dress which is so comfortable but dressy at the same time, I put it over my favourite lingerie. I matched it with some black heels but not a big heel don't want to be taller then jimmy and I would rather not murder my feet. I put in some simple hoop earrings and some rings. I make my way over to my make up and do a simple smokey eye for my eyeshadow with lashes and then do the rest of my makeup. I smile at myself as I love how I look.
(This is the dress but if you don't like it you can imagine something else)

I look at the time and see it's 6:50 perfect I haven't heard jimmy come back yet but I have had my music on quite loud so it might of blocked him out

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I look at the time and see it's 6:50 perfect I haven't heard jimmy come back yet but I have had my music on quite loud so it might of blocked him out. I grab my bag and quickly spray some perfume. I put my lipgloss, purse, phone in my clutch bag and start to head downstairs. I get to the bottom of the stairs and is greeted by jimmy. He is wearing a white long sleeve shirt and black trousers with black shoes he is holding red roses in his hands.
"W-woah you look incredible." Jimmy says while looking me up and down. He gives me the roses causing my smile to grow bigger.
"Don't look so bad yourself jimbo." I kiss his cheek and put the flowers in some water. I make my way back over to him and he leads me to his car hand in hand. Both hearts racing at the sight of one another, minds both questioning how and why they got so lucky to find each other. Wondering what the future has in store for them.

Kinda a filler chapter but the next ones are going to be more interesting! Also I think about making a stranger things book maybe x reader let me know if that's something you would want or other suggestions for a book :) xx

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