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We talk and eat for a good half an hour before Jimmy gets up and says "right let's go get more content and then I'll go take Katie to see her skills." It hits him that what he just said sounded kinda odd causing him to go a little red. "Sorry that sounded odd didn't mean it like that." He chuckles embarrassed.
"It's fine." I smile at him causing him to smile back.
I make sure I stay out the way of the camera not because I don't want to be on camera it just not my place. I watch as they bully chandler for wanting to get out after 6 hours. He stayed in and they all complained how they were cold even though it was so hot out. After a while of messing about me and jimmy went to a different room where all the computers were.
"So if you just want to take a seat and I'll find something for you to edit." He stays while looking around the computer. Eventually he found an new thumbnail and told me to edit it so people want to click on it.
"So how old are you Katie" he asks me after a while of us sitting in silence but it wasn't uncomfortable silence as I was busy editing and he was going through emails.
"I'm 20 21 in a couple of months you?"
"I've just turned 21." He replies.
"That's cool do you enjoy being a YouTuber?" I ask him and he goes to reply but then we hear "JIMMY" come from Jake and we both go running to the room they are in. Turns out chandler is about to quit and get out as he is too cold and bored. They instantly pull out multiple cameras and start filming.
"Chandler don't do it." Jimmy tells him.
"I'm too cold Jim I can't stay in here!" He fights back.
"It's $10,000!" Jake says.
"I'm getting out, I'm getting out" he says over and over again making his way to the edge of the tub. He gets out and is dripping in slime. He looks at me dead in the eye causing the cameras to go to me. He starts running at me and shouting ohhhh Katie give me a hug. I start running while laughing, everyone is laughing at this point and filming us.
"Go Katie run" Jimmy shouts causing me to look at him and letting chandler catch up to me. He picked me up and started to shake me about making me covered in slime.
"No chandler stop AHHH"
We both fall to the ground as chandler looses his balance. We land with a big thud and I'm on top of chandlers chest. Jimmy runs over to us and helps me up while he still crying with laughter. He goes to help chandler up and then let's go causing him to fall again.
"Ouch jimmy not again" chandler moans.
"That was the funniest thing I've seen in a while" Chris shouts while laughing.
"Yeah that was pretty funny" jimmy says. "You don't mind us using that in our video do you?" He says looking at me.
"Of course not use it all you want." I say to him smiling.
"Great right lets get you cleaned up chandler and let's get back to editing.
-time skip-
The guys finally finished filming the video Garrett won meaning I can finally show Jimmy the edit I did. I'm just hoping that he likes it as I really need this job. I get up and head to the room they are all in. Chandler notices me comes over to me.
"Hey Katie I didn't hurt you earlier did I?" He says a bit worried.
"Oh of course not it was really fun." I smiled back.
"Ahhh thank god I got a bit worried there for a second" he smiles to me.
"I need to go talk to jimmy I've finished the edit." I say to him and we both walk over to where he was.
"Hey jimmy I finished the edit do you want to come take a look?" I say to him.
"Yeah sure" he smiles.
We all make our way over to where the edit was and they were all really impressed by my creation even Ethan who been editing for a long time.
"You never done this before?" Ethan asks
"Nope so I kind of went with my gut and created that." I said nervously.
"Katie that's amazing I want to click on that video and watch it right now." Chris says making everyone laugh.
"Thank you guys. Does that mean I got the job?" I ask jimmy
"Well duh I'll be stupid if I didn't give it you" he smiles.
I rush over to him and hug him "omg thank you!!" I squeal. He laughs and says it nothing.
I get a text on my phone I go look at it and it's from Isabella.
Hey where are you?!
                     Sent at 7:10pm
                                    Omg sorry I'm at Jimmy's!
                                                        Seen at 7:11pm
Who is jimmy?
       Sent at 7:12pm   
                      Oh one of the guys from yesterday   
                                                      Seen at 7:12pm
Ah okay can you come home I have something to show you ;)
     Sent at 7:13pm
                               Yeah sure on my way now :)
                                                  Read at 7:14pm
"Hey guys that was Isabella she says she needs to show me something so I'm going to head back." I say to all of them
"Okay that's fine here give me your number so I can text you about everything yeah?" Jimmy says.
"Okay here give me your phone I'll put it in"  he passes me his phone and I put it in under the name of 'Katie ;)'
"There you go but I really got to go now." I give everyone hugs and jog home.
"Hey Isabella what did you need to show- omg"

End of chapter three

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