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Isabella and Jake have left for their holiday they came round this morning to say goodbye. I'm starting to feel a lot better overall physically I'm all healed from the attack and mentally I'm getting there mainly because of jimmy. The guys have helped a lot also but jimmy is always there for me and is willing to go anywhere or do anything for me without hesitation. I can't believe I've met such great people. Jimmy and me have been getting closer and closer he still hasn't asked me out yet but I'm not giving up hope just don't know what he is waiting for. I've still been editing for jimmy even though he really didn't want me to something about rest but I won the battle so I've just been in the editing room with Ethan for the past couple of days. Today however we are finally going to be filming a new challenge video, they did the last won touching the car wins it a couple of days ago so this would be a new challenge they haven't told me about.
"KATIE" I hear chandler shout me from the other room.
"WHAT" I shout back
"NO IM- no I'm not Katie just come here please."
I get up chuckling and head over to the boys.
"What you dorks want."
"See that wasn't that hard was it katie?" Chandler says in a sassy tone.
"ThAt wAsNt ThAt HaRd WaS iT kATiE?" I reply mocking him.
"Both if you stop." Jimmy says laughing. "We called you over because we need you to be in the new video"
"PLEASE." Chandler screams once again. I would've loved to be in a video but with Isabella with me as I wouldn't of been the only new person the viewers would of focused on. Sounds stupid I know but I'm worried of what they are going to think.
"You don't even know what the challenge is."
"Okay then what is it."
"Last one to leave the insane asylum."
"Yeah no"
"Oh come on you said yes to being in the last one even though you weren't in it what's changed?" Jimmy begs.
"Isabella was going to do it with me."
"I'll be there the whole time I promise." He looks at me with puppy eyes and I cave.
"Ugh fine."
"Yes!" Chandler and jimmy both say and hug me.
"She said yes!" Chandler shouts to the group running over to them.
"Congrats man I told you there was nothing to be worried about I knew she was going to say yes." Chris replies leaving me confused. I look at jimmy and his face is white like he has just seen a ghost. Chris jogs over to us.
"Why were you worried about asking me to be in a video?" I say looking a jimmy still very confused about what is actually happening.
"Oh my gosh" Chris says and jimmy looks at him, man if looks could kill Chris would be long gone.
"Oh no erm-i-i just Erm wasn't sure you would want to be- you know... with everything that's happened" jimmy eventually says.
"Oh okay, well when do we start recording." I say trying to change the subject.
"In a couple of hours we just need to go get the supplies and check we have everything we need." Chris says.
"Oh okay I will just finish editing then come get me when you need me." I smile at jimmy and turn away. As soon as I have my back to them I hear a slap and I look back and jimmy hit Chris on the arm, I carry on walking and I can see jimmy looking cross at Chris and Chris just keeps apologising. I get the the editing room and start to finish the clip I was editing before they called me.
-2 hours later-
I look at the time and it's 1pm man that's gone so quick. I start to eat my lunch and when I finish I get up and head to the room the guys are in, I see them setting up the last few touches.
"Katie perfect timing we are ready to film are you ready?"
"Yeah I'm ready."
Jimmy hands me this suit and tells me where I can go to put it on. I head to the room and try put it on but it's so hard as my arms have to be in these straps so I can't do it myself. I must of been in there a while as I hear a knock on the door.
"Who is it?"
"It's me jimmy you okay in there you've been a while?"
"Yeah I just can't get this on."
"Why not? Is it not the right size?"
"No no it is it's just I can't get it on by myself can you help me?"
"Erm sure."
I head over the the door and unlock it I'm just in my underwear as I didn't want to have the clothes I was wearing before underneath this as I was wearing a Mr beast hoodie and some jeans.
"Oh-sorry" jimmy says looking away blushing.
"Jimmy it's fine don't worry about it." I saying giggling at the grown man who seen me like this before basically turn as red as a tomato.
He slowly turns around and looks at me up and down.
"Wow you look amazing." Causing me to blush.
"Thank you"'I smile at him and head closer to him. I don't break eye contact as I put my hands around him and bring him closer causing him to do the same. We both are just looking at each other for what feels like forever until jimmy breaks the silence.
"Yeah jimmy."
"Would you maybe want to go on a date with me this Friday?" I could tell he was nervous causing me to smile.
"I would love to."
He leans down and kisses me and I return the kiss. He grabs my waist and pulls me closer to him which I didn't think was possible and he bites my lip asking for permission to deepen the kiss I let him making him push my body against the wall as we make out. He places his hands on my thighs signalling me to jump so I do and I wrap my legs around him. However, we both jump as we hear a knock on the door causing us to stop jimmy to put me down and we are left breathing heavily.
"Everything okay in there?" Chandler asks.
"Yeah fine I just couldn't get my suit on by myself so jimmy is helping me." I say still out of breath.
"Ohhhh sorry for having to cut this short love birds but we all are waiting for you so it's best you stop doing what you were doing and start putting the suit on." Chandler laughs causing me to roll me eyes and then both of us to start laughing.
"Yes sir" jimmy answers and you can start to hear chandlers chuckles fade away.
"Let's get you in this suit then before any more people come looking for us."

                          End of chapter

Thank you so much for 1k on this story! I'm sorry updates are a bit slow but I'm trying me best! PEACE

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