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We are in a comfortable silence throughout the car journey, jimmy resting his hand on my thigh while he drives to the destination. I still have no idea where I'm going but I don't care I have all that I need in the car with me now. I don't realise it but I find myself staring at the man besides me. You know when you are just so happy and comfortable to be around someone, you find yourself just looking at them smiling your head off and your heart skipping beats. Even if they aren't doing anything to do so and are doing something as simple as driving. I notice small details about him, like how he clenches his jaw every time he looked into the mirror or when he switches gears. I notice how he rests his big hand so naturally on my thigh. I notice how we can sit in silence not one word leaving each other's lips happy and content with just the company of one another. Music is faintly playing in the background jimmy tapping his finger on the steering wheel to the beat. I must of been starring for a while as I watch his head turn towards me while at a red light with a chuckle leaving his lips, breaking the comfortable silence.
"You like what you see huh?" He teases causing me to go red at the fact he caught be starring and daydreaming about him, even though I wasn't be very subtle about it.
"Definitely." I just say back still smiling finely turning my attention back to the surroundings. He smiles turning his head back to focusing on the road as the light turns green.
We arrive at the restaurant is looks amazing it's not to fancy so we wouldn't be so uncomfortable eating there as we wouldn't know how to act but fancy enough that we wouldn't be overdressed. Jimmy removes his hand from my thigh after he parks the car, he quickly existed rushing round to my side and opening the door for me.
"Why thank you my good sir." I tease him holding his hand.
"Anything for the lady." He jokes back. We walk into the restaurant to be greeted by one of the workers.
"Hello do you have a reservation?" The man asks still not looking up at us.
"Yeah it's under Donaldson." Jimmy says causing the man to finally look up. His eyes go straight on me and he checks me out. Is this guy serious? Jimmy notice as I feel his grip on my hand tighten not too much that it hurts me but in a protective way. The guy is still looking at me and not doing his job causing jimmy to cough snapping the man out of his trance.
"Erm yes follow me your table is ready." The man finally says leading us to the back of the restaurant near a wall that is made out of white roses. The decor is amazing everything fits together perfectly. I was too busy looking around to notice that we have stopped causing me to trip and fall into the waiter. I quickly say sorry as jimmy helps me stand back up.
"No problem gorgeous." He smirks at me I awkwardly smile back and sit down at the table jimmy does the same but glares at the guy causing me to laugh. The waiter hands us our menus and heads of to another table but not without checking me out once more.
"That Guy is really pissing me off." Jimmy angry says. I grab his hand and start rubbing it with my thumb calming him down.
"Babe he has nothing on you I'm here with you for our date let's not let him ruin it." I say calmly to him. "Even though jealous and protective jimmy is so hot." I say causing him the laugh and return to normal. We look at the menu still holding hands trying to figure out what to eat. This place has so many choices of actually good food it's hard to pick but I go for a pasta dish and jimmy choses a steak.
"So jimbo when's the video going up?" I ask.
"They have already started editing it." He states leaving me confused as me and Ethan was both in the video. He must of noticed my confused expression as he speaks again.
"We have two other editors that work part time that's why you haven't seen it before but they are editing this one as you and Ethan are in the video, I didn't think it was fair to make you edit it as well." I smile at him as the waiter comes back over.
"Are you two ready to order?" He asks still only looking at me.
"Yes I will have the spaghetti carbonara please with a glass of Pinot Grigio." I say smiling.
"Anything for you pretty girl."
"And I'll have the steak medium rare please with a beer." Jimmy says annoyed again removing his hand from mine to take the menus giving it the waiter.
"I'll be right back with you drinks." He says and walks off.
"Jimbo don't let him get to you okay. He can clearly see that we are on a date so he is a pig. There's no need to be jealous."
"God Why do you have to be so gorgeous that everyone wants you." He says causing my face to flush red. We are just in deep conversation when the guy come back with our drinks. I feel the need to pee so I excused myself and headed to the bathroom when I was heading back to the table I was stopped by the waiter from before.
"What is a girl like you who is a ten out of ten doing with a guy like him who at a push is a 3 out of 10. You can be with me who also a 10 out of 10." I roll my eyes trying to walk by him when he grabs my arm causing a couple of people to look, including jimmy.
"Look dickhead you aren't a 10/10 far from it actually you have a shit personality as well so in my eyes you're a -10/10 so get your arm of me before you regret it. Also my boyfriend over there is not a 3/10 he is a 10/10 no doubt in my mind about it. He is the most amazing and loving person I have ever met so don't you dare insult him again okay." I say angrily by now everyone is looking at us I finish by kneeing him where the sun doesn't shine and I hear a couple claps from other customers as I make my way back to jimmy.
"Wow your a badass." He chuckles. "Thank you for that you I feel the same way about you but you said I was your boyfriend" he says causing me to get embarrassed as I didn't even realise I called him that he hasn't even asked me yet and I went and told everyone in the restaurant.
"It's fine Katie I liked it, it sounded good coming from your mouth."
"Are you asking me out jimbo?" I question.
"Yes I am I mean it's not the way I planned too but it just feels right."
"Yes jimmy I would love to be your girlfriend." I whisper leaning over to him kissing him passionately my heart beating so fast.

I think I'm going to end this book soon as I'm starting a new stranger things book which I have already written 4 chapters for with like 3000+ words in each. I love this book but I'm running out of ideas so I think there is only going to be like 5 more chapters. PEACE :)

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