Chapter 1: Graduation Day

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Hello! Welcome to my first ever story. Bare with me on the first few chapters, hopefully, they will get better as they come to me. I am more than grateful for criticism and grammar checks. Please be respectful when leaving comments. I really do love feedback. Let's begin the story, my little Mystical Creatures.


It's the end of senior year and I'm so ready to get out of here. High School has been rough but I would be lying if I said I wasn't going to miss the people I've grown up with over the years. I suppose I should introduce myself. I'm Callista but you can call me Cali. And now today is graduation day. 

I wasn't the most social person in school. I only had a few friends that I really associate with and I'm happy that they stuck with me for most of my life. 

When I wasn't with my friends or at school, I was either reading or spending time with my mom. Ever since my father died, I've been taking extra care of her and making sure she was okay. My mom means everything to me and without her, I would be a mess.

I have my scars and my own emotional trauma but I put them aside for her and my friends. They come first before anything else. But this is getting a little too deep, back to the main subject. I'm a bit vertically challenged at 5'2 but I'm proud of my size and wouldn't change a thing.

I have waist-length naturally red curly hair and I have one brown eye and one blue eye. I'm mixed with Native American, White,  and Black. I'm a bit of a nerd. I took all AP classes my senior year and passed with a 4.0 GPA. I was bullied and picked on a little because of it but my friends were always there to defend me.

Speaking of my friends, let me introduce them to you. I have my best friend Emma Williams who is the opposite of me. She's more outgoing and social. She was a bit on the popular side but she didn't let that go to her head. She has black hair and hazel eyes. She's about 5'6 and average build. She's mixed with Black and White.

Then there's my friend Evan Wilkinson. He's a bit of a drama queen but I love him anyway. He has red hair like me and green eyes, and he's a whopping 6'3. He's the tallest of the group and he may look intimidating when you first see him but he's just a giant teddy bear.

Then there's James. James is the jock of the group and played for the basketball team. He's around 5'11 but tries to convince everybody else that he's 6 foot. He has brown hair and brown eyes. Over the summer, he apparently had a bit of a growth spurt and is not only an inch shorter than Evan.

And there you have it. These are my best friends and I hope that in the future we stay together and continue to make memories in the years to come.

Emma got accepted into 3 colleges already. She wanted to stay close to home so she chose to go to her number one choice which is Falls Wake University. She's hoping to study to become an Anesthesiologist. For those of you who don't know what that is, its the nurse who puts you to sleep for major surgeries.

Evan wanted to leave the country and study abroad so he's going to France for his first 2 years. We were all sad when we found out about him leaving but, we just want him to be happy and that's all that matters. Before he leaves though, I'm going to make sure that I get him a going-away present and spend as much time with him as I can.

James got a full-ride scholarship to Georgetown for basketball. He was super excited and even squealed when he found out. That is one moment we are not going to let him live down. I still tease him about it sometimes but he knows it's out of love so he just rolls his eyes and ruffles my hair.

As for me...well, I'm not sure if I want to go to college. I mean I applied to colleges and I got accepted, I just don't know if I want to commit myself to one yet. I don't want to leave my mom alone and I know I can go to community college but I want to focus more on being at home and maybe get a part-time job to help my mom out on the bills.

My mom and friends understand where I'm coming from, but I still feel like there's still more to discover than just going to a university.

As I look up to the stage, I see its time for my row to take the stage.

I start my walk with the rest of the students across the stage and receive my diploma. I trip a little as I walk back down the stairs, but I recover quickly and sit back down.

Graduation comes to an end and we all throw our caps into the air with a big cheer.

My friends find me after the hired photographer takes a photo of my classmates all together on the steps to take a group picture and we begin taking our own photos together. Our parents soon find all of us and they have tears in their eyes.

"I am so proud of you. I couldn't have asked for a better daughter." My mom said through her tears.

"Thanks, mom. I couldn't have done it without you." I give her a big hug and try not to cry so as to not to mess up my makeup. I bring my hands up and wipe away her tears with my thumbs and kiss my mom on the cheek. 

I can feel someone's eyes on the back of my head so I turn around to see who it is but I can't seem to pinpoint who was staring at me. I shrug it off and turn back to my mom smiling. My friends come up from behind while I'm talking with my mom and grab my attention.

"Hey. Are we all meeting at your house for a grad party?" Evan asked.

I smile and wrap my arms around Evan in a side hug and bring the others in for one as well. "Of course! We can have a sleepover too!"

And so, the craziness begins.

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