Chapter 6: My Midnight Guardian

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This took me so long to get down because the way I wanted to write this chapter wasn't coming together right. But here it is! I hope you enjoy it.

Dustin's wolf Jacob is pictured above.


I begin to shake as the thought of another wolf wanting to kill me sinks in. I start hyperventilating and my breathes become shallower. The wolf's whines become louder as he howls like he's in pain.

The wolf nudges my arms and starts to lick my face. My face is very ticklish, so I begin to calm down and giggle. The wolf immediately stops and stares at me. I freeze because I think I've done something to upset the wolf. The wolf seems to notice my tense demeanor and begins to wag his tail.

He goes back to licking my face and I begin giggling again.

"Okay Okay. Haha. I understand that you aren't here to hurt me," I giggle out.

The wolf backs up and looks at me in awe. I don't understand why he's looking at me like this, but I don't question it.

"Thank you for saving my life. I know you can't understand me, but I owe you my life." I pat the wolf's head and he leans into my touch. I have a hard time trying to reach his neck, so he lays down in front of me.

I sit up so I'm sitting crisscross in front of him and continue to pet him. He begins to purr as I scratch behind his ear.

"Did I find your favorite spot boy?" I ask him. The wolf licks at my hand as if to tell me yes.

"I think you need a name if you are going to be my midnight guardian. Let's see..."

"How about Winston?"

The wolf shakes his head no with a disapproving look in his eyes.

"Okay, how about Fluffy?" He makes a disapproving sound in the back of his throat and rolls his eyes.

"Hahaha, okay okay, I was only joking. How about Jacob?"

The wolf barks and licks my face while wagging his tail.

"Hehehe, okay, Jacob it is. I like that name for you." Jacob licks my face again.

I giggle and look up into the sky. I notice that the sky is beginning to become cloudy and looks like it wants to storm. While looking at the clouds roll by, I say the first thing that's on my mind at the moment.

"Today is actually my birthday. It started off great. My friends and I had a water fight to wake each other up, my momma made us breakfast and I got a new car. But in my life, happiness doesn't last long. When I first got to the park, I saw all the children playing and being happy and it reminded me of my childhood. Then I got to my safe spot, which you now know is the lake, and I just started reminiscing about my childhood and my father. He died when I had just turned 6, 2 days after my birthday. I miss him a lot. More than anybody would ever know. And then to top things off I almost died twice today...haha, the madness that is my life is sometimes funny, but I take it one day at a time and try to see the brighter picture every day. I don't know why I'm telling you this as if you can understand me, but I just feel comfortable talking to you and you did save my life, so I owe you some information about me." I rant out to Jacob.

He whines and places his head on my lap as I continue to play with his fur. I look at my phone and notice that the time is almost 7 pm.

"I should probably start heading home. It looks like it wants to storm and it's getting pretty late. Thank you again for saving me." I begin to stand up but begin to fall over since my knees are still in bad shape.

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