Chapter 8: Morning Shenanigans

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Happy 4th of July!! Enjoy this long-ass chapter that took me two days to write. Hahaha.

The music video up above is California Dreaming by Sia. It's from the movie San Andreas, one of my favorites, and I thought you guys would appreciate it too.


I wake up the next morning and see that Dustin is still fast asleep. I carefully remove myself from his body and make my way to my room. I check my phone for any missed message from my mom.

'Hey, baby. It looks like I won't be able to make it home today. The hospital is really backed up with patients and we don't have enough staff on deck. I'll see you soon sweetie. Be careful. There's some money in the cookie jar if you want to order out. I love you. ~Mom.'

I sigh as I read the message and check to see if my friends left me any messages. Unfortunately, the only ones in the group who are early birds are James and me, but James hasn't left me any messages. I check the time to see that it's 8:30 am.

I should find some of Evan's clothes that will fit Dustin, so he doesn't have to wear the same clothes. I'll wash his clothes while he gets ready.

I head to my closet and pick out something that Evan won't be mad about sharing and then I pick out my outfit. I decide on a pastel purple long-sleeved crop top and some jean shorts. I head back into the game room to see Dustin in a frenzy.

"What are you looking for? Did you-" I'm cut off before I can finish my next question by a giant hug.

"Don't ever do that again. Where did you go? Are you okay? Why didn't you wake me up?"

The electric shocks are shooting through my body again. What does this mean and why do I feel so safe when he touches me.

"Well to answer your first question, I went to get you and me a change of clothes. Secondly, I'm fine. And thirdly, I didn't wake you up because you looked so peaceful and I'm a natural morning person, so I didn't want to bother you." I rattle off to him.

His breathing goes back to normal and he seems to calm down after he hears my voice. He slowly backs away from me to give us some space so I can look up at his face. He looks me in my eyes, and he asks me the same question I've been asked all my life.

"Why are your eyes two different colors?"

"It's a genetic anomaly in my family. It skips every three generations but there was an exception this time in my birth. I'm the first generation and not the fourth. My family doesn't know what caused it to happen to me but there's nothing that can be done about it."

"You seem so sad when you talk about it...why?"

I look away from his face and stare at the wall. All the memories of my childhood come flooding back into my head again. I shake my head as to clear my thoughts and look back up at Dustin with a small smile on my face.

"It's a long story that I don't feel like telling right now."

I hand him Evan's clothes and lead him to my bathroom.

"These are my friends Evan's clothes. You can borrow them for today and I'll wash the clothes you have on right now. Everything you need is already in the bathroom. When you get done you can put your clothes on the counter. If you need me, I will be downstairs getting breakfast ready."

"Thank you, love."

I nod my head in acknowledgment and make my way to my moms' room with my clothes. I look at myself in the mirror and notice my hair in disarray and my clothes all crooked. Oh well, nothing can change the past now. 

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