Chapter 20: She's what?

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** The Picture up above is a representation of Callista falling through the air as her powers disappear. **

Dustin POV

I watch as Cali leaves the room and closes the door behind her. I turn back towards my father as his face comes back to mine.

"The moon goddess gave you a wonderful mate son."

I nod my head in approval and smile at the thought of her.

"What is it that you needed to talk to me about in private dad?"

My dad's face takes on a more serious expression at my question.

"As wonderful as your mate is, I'm afraid I have some not so good news about her."

Jacob growls in disapproval with my father. 'How dare he insult our mate! There is absolutely nothing wrong with her.'

'I know there's nothing wrong with her, but he's my father and the alpha so I must listen to what he has to say even though I may not agree with him.'

I clear my throat and my father continues.

"You have noticed that she is becoming less and less human, correct?"

I nod my head. "Yes."

"When did she start showing these new powers of hers?"

I think back to the conversation we had earlier downstairs before we came up to see my dad.

"She did say that she started to show signs after I had marked her."

My father's face seemed to relax a little bit when I told him this. I look at my father confused and wait for him to speak.

"So, she wasn't completely human, to begin with..."

This makes me even more confused and concerned. Wasn't human to begin with? That makes no sense.

"What do you mean she wasn't completely human to begin with?"

My father looks at me and smiles.

"You notice how her eyes are two different colors? Well, that's a sign that she already had some powers of her own, they were just dormant and needed something to wake them up. She's a rare kind of elf whose species died a long time ago. She's the last of her kind and needs to be kept a secret. And that's where you come into play. The moon goddess knew that you would be the only one to be able to wake up her powers and that's why you were paired together. You are her key. If she ever feels like she might lose you, then it's all over. Not just for her, but for everybody around her. You calm her and you are also her breaking point. She has to stay here with you. The bond between the two of you is getting stronger and stronger every day. If she were to reject you or this pack whether it be by choice or she is forced to, she would lose control of her powers and herself."

I stared at my father dumbstruck. My mate is an elf?!

"Dad, you must be mistaken. Cali is as human as they come. We went to the same high school together. Surely, I would have been able to tell if she wasn't human."

My father shook his head and sighed. "Dustin, just because she isn't as human as you thought she was, does that make you love her any less or not want her anymore?"

'How dare he suggest such a thing. She is ours and ours only!' Jacob growled out.

I growl menacingly at my father. "Of course not! I love Callista not matter who or what she is. She is mine and she will stay mine."

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