The beginning

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•means thinking•

Peter was ecstatic!, not only was he on patrol swinging through new York seeing the city from an angle no one ever saw it, but he was on patrol with the Avengers,THE avengers of course this hadn't been the first time, since Mr Stark ,though he told Peter to only call him Tony, had taken him in giving him his own room in stark Tower and had introduced him to the avengers a couple of months ago, going on patrol with The Avengers was a common occurrence but still Peter could not hide his excitement each time.

Crimes had occurred that night but nothing that called for The Avengers ,just petty crimes that called for the friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man, a few quips and jokes later and each criminal was webbed and ready for the police. Peter Loved patrol because although Peter didn't like to show off Spider-Man did.

suddenly the city reverberated *boom* "hey kid" said Tony through the comms "a bomb has just blown up in the bank the criminals have already been arrested you head back to the tower we will sort this out!"
" but Mr...Tony I could help" "sorry Spidey but your suit isn't bullet proof let alone bomb proof" said Clint,also through comms "remember it's pizza and movie night and isn't it your turn to pick the movie?"said Natasha
"Oh yes i've been wanting to show Thor Star Wars since he arrived!" Yelled Peter enthusiastically spinning his web and swinging back to the tower quickly.

Peter couldn't wait he's been waiting for weeks for his turn at movie night And because of all the excitement he had almost forgotten that it was finally his turn! Peter could see stark tower now gleaming white in all its splendour getting closer and closer towards him it was nothing to think of but a s spectacle to behold.

"Friday "called Peter "open the door"
the door opened majestically and magically Spider-Man swung in landing perfectly on the top floor,the avengers penthouse, the door effortlessly closing behind him Peter whipped his mask off and slowly made his way into the lounge , •I wonder what thor will think of Star Wars? Bruce will probably think it's nonsense but Dad....tony will love it for sure• he thought mentally correcting himself ,he wasn't meant to call Tony dad for he had never been allowed to ,but Peter couldn't help it he always thought of Tony as a dad and hoped Tony thought of him as a son.

"oh Thor will love Star Wars" boomed a loud voice interrupting Peters thoughts "Hello peter" sending his Spidey sense into overdrive and sending shivers up his spine,
Peter searched frantically around him but he could see no one "or should that be Spider-Man" the voice boomed again as if on cue green and black smoke started to surround Peter and an intimidating figure, who the voice seemed to belong to , appeared mysteriously infront of him Peter gasped,

he had heard of this man but these tales were of treachery and destruction not someone you would like to know your secrets cornering you by yourself in a tower
"L..Loki" he spluttered.

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