We fight...if we loose? We do that together too

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Loki turned and blasted Tony in the leg while he was distracted he fell substantially a few metres from peter he *tried * to get to peter scrambling to his feet,peter limping, did the same
"Uh uh uh" Loki cooed holding the remote pushing down on it both let out a painful shriek and they collapsed next to each other
"Move away!" Loki boomed
Neither budged
"NOW" the pain tore through their eardrums so much so they could not hear their screams peter realising Tony couldn't move due to his injury dragged himself metres away "that's better" Loki towered over them peter weakly looked up at him devastated,fearful and broken
The avengers charged at Loki
"Oh no you don't"
He whistled and waited the avengers tore forward waiting to get hit Loki smirked but it soon fell •it should have happened by now• it fell further when Steve reached him and grabbed his collar holding him high "LEAVE MY FAMILY ALONE!"
Steve choked and fell
The rest of the avengers soon after
"As I said before 'enjoy the side effects' you didn't think the only side effects were niwtmares did you?" he mocked staring down at their kneeling positions this was bad de ja vue VERY BAD
"there's One thing about avengers you seem to have forgotten Loki" cap gritted out his pain tolerance wavering
"We NEVER quit!"
Loki just slapped him forcing a hard grunt "urgh" from him Their was a remarkable difference in their de ja vue that Loki failed(became he didn't need to) mention which was:
The pain didn't stop after the kneeling position
"Leave him alone!" A voice called out Loki smirked at the helpless voice he knew who it belonged to and he knew, unbeknownst to the avengers, what was about to happen he walked over to the voices owner
One Peter Parker

"You can't do anything Petey your grounded literally theirs nothing you can do no one you can save no miraculous turn of events to help you, Now you be a good boy and lay their helpless" Loki smirked patting peters head as he growled and shouted profanities that had even tony stark shocked, he sauntered over towering over him (Tony) wielding his sceptre
"I'm going to enjoy this peter, breaking hearts your family,your friends,your life will never be the same and I'm going to be their when you beg for death" and in one swift moment his sceptre plunged into Tony just above his arc reactor
"Tony! NO!"
"Iron man!"
Yells and screams sounded simultaneously as Tony's eyes bulged with a sharp intake of breath

from peters point of view  it looked like Lokis sceptre had plunged into him but when Loki stepped to the side he was both relieved and frightened all over agin Loki hadn't plunged his sceptre into his dad but instead Loki had taken from him just like he said he would
Tony's arc reactor laid in Loki's hand
Loki had broken a heart

"So you have precisely 3 mins... Loki stamped hard on Tony's chest "ah" Tony winced "make that 2 mins 30, to give me
•Your minds
•Your tower
•Your world
And your wills
Loki counted off nonchalantly on his fingers ignoring the fact a life was hanging in the balance
"Or Stark?

"Tony! Hang on! Don't you die on me" Steve shrieked taking on his captain voice immediately
"Dad! No Dad! Loki please STOP S.top stop...." peters screams turned to murmurs he knew like Loki did he wouldn't budge for pleas he looked down at peters broken face then locked wyes with the avengers he motioned at peter
"You bargain for one man?" He asked

the teary eyed avengers groaned It hurt to raise their heads god it hurt Bucky,Steve, Natasha,Bruce,Clint, hated his tone his voice his very being

They loved Tony and adored peter with all their hearts their heartstrings tugged whenever they interacted their father and son bond went above EVERYTHING they ever thought possible...
they couldn't let tony die and peter loose his father 

N.O.T  A.N.O.T.H.E.R  O.N.E
Echoed in peters mind
He knew he shouldn't have he REALLY shouldn't have but he did
"I agree to the terms"


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