"Attack part 2

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Peter was fighting Bucky both landing some solid blows but neither are willing to give up yet. Peter flaws Bucky with his skill (mental note never get Natasha to train any new avengers) Bucky thought as peter punched him twice in the stomach sending him flying back then landing a kick to his head before he could recover Bucky went to punch Peter but before he had the chance Peter swipes his legs out from under him Bucky had begun to tire now he went to stand but Peter punched him in the nose pulling in back to the floor The only thing Bucky could do was edge back he could hear Loki's distant laughter and grunts of pain, Bucky shakily stood up
as a last ditch attempt Bucky appealed to him
"Your peter Parker"
peter walked forward menacingly "SHUT UP!" "Loki doesn't own you peter" Bucky pleaded earning his cheek a slap
"come back to us it's ok" peter pinched his gut but his steps slowed
"it's ok we're not mad at you" Bucky tried he knew some of the main fears he had had when he had killed or gone berserk
peter stopped
"your scaring us" peters eyes flashed from blue to black he seemed to be fighting the spell his punch stopping mid air
peter was gone now he kicked Bucky in the stomach before webbing him to the wall with Clint and Natasha who were both equally disheartened
Peter spun on his heals and stood next to Loki who had just about overcome hulk, Steve and Tony stared him down as peter walked over to him Loki's hand moved towards Peter Tony and Steve got into defensive positions ready to attack but was surprised and disgusted when Lokis hand patted Peters head "good Spidey"
"He's not your slave!" Steve screamed "oh,but he acts like it, and he like it! Right? Loki countered "yes master" was the unfazed reply "YOUR USING HIM! CONTROLLING HIM! HOW COULD YOU!" Tony boomed letting tears spill down his cheeks he had held his emotions back for far too long and was shaking now! Steve hulk and Tony stood their ground not wanting to get too close loki and peter too stood their ground each staring each other down until Steve tony and hulk collectively took a step forward Loki nodded at peter who took a step forward also, the avengers looked to each other "what reindeer games you're too scared to fight yourself!" Tony quipped as they took a step back "on the contrary stark!" Loki spat taking a step forward once again standing at Peters side "you're too scared to fight! my my my how the heroes have fallen!" Loki remarked chuckling "last chance surrender"
The heroes looked at each other as Steve spoke for them all
"Fine then die whoever remains shall be loyal to me Spider ATTACK!"
Peter lunges at them heading for hulk first who prepares a punch "Hey green bean"He said looking up to hulk with puppy dog eyes "spiderling" hulk says happily "you wouldn't hit your pal would you?" (🥺) it was true he couldn't hulk had a soft spot for Peter he was the only one who had ever been able to calm him down "could I have a hand up?" He asked innocently "NOO!" They all shouted even Clint Natasha and Bucky but hulk ignored him extending his hand down to him the second his guard was down peter used his new strength to throw him around like a ragdoll knocking him out instantly, Loki smirked "THATS HOW IT FEELS!" As Tony rushed to hulks side to check if he was ok

........................ meanwhile...............

Thor was next to battle his brother while peter was distracted with Hulk he had snuck round the back to deal with Loki he threw his hammer at Loki hoping to pin him down but loki shape shifted into Peter and grabbed the hammer but when he spoke his voice was clearly Loki's "huh" he laughed " looks like I am worthy after all" Thor stood shocked turning to the battle where peter really was "peter..." he said downheartedly, he was just fast enough to catch his hammer being thrown straight back at him he caught it but fell back slightly with the force of the throw!

..........................back to Loki..................

Steve mounted his attack on peter throwing his shield but peter unexpectedly caught it "Holy.." he started but was once again interrupted "LANGUAGE!" Everyone said including peter (it seemed he still had some memories) then peter bent the side of the shield that Loki hadn't "OH COME ON!" He yelled before being thrown backwards at the sheer force of the throw as Peter hurled it to him he was quickly webbed up along with Thor
There were only two left now everyone had hoped it wouldn't come to this
(everyone but Loki that is)
this was THE fight of the century
for him there is no way! his spider could lose he had pondered this moment thinking who would be left and if this certain person was would it be better
for him to die or would the humiliation be enough for him to break into obeying him (Loki)
Only Tony and peter remained
Spiderson vs irondad

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