The capture

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Peter hadn't meant to splutter. For this was not the kind of man you should show your fear to!normally he hid behind his mask and his jokes but his mask was quite clearly off and his mouth was gaping wide to shocked to speak!stunned into silence.
"GET AWAY FROM ME!" Peter screamed as all Loki's endeavours rushed through his head
"Oh very scared I see my reputation must precede me" Loki chuckled but it echoed pure evil • he can read my mind?!"•
"your ....YOUR DEAD?!"
" no young spider just...,"Loki paused here trying to find the right word , he had several "pretending, surviving, growing, you can't kill me I am THE GOD OF TRICKS!!" taking several confident strides forward, Peter taking some very shaky steps back " now you are going to do and say exactly what I want you to or I won't be the only one who is DEAD! Loki practically shouted dripping with venom as he stared directly into Peters terrified eyes Loki gestured to a chair "sit down Spider-Man!" Peter wanted to nod to sit, to shout , to scream , yes! that he would do anything for his life but he remembered Mr..Tony...
Tony said that he could've been an avenger and he realised he had to be Spider-Man right now NOT Peter. He forced himself to look up defiantly into Loki's eyes and plainly said,his voice shaking slightly "NO"
"No?" Loki questioned , he was quite taken aback, he had read Peters mind and had seen his fear recalling all of his dreadful deeds the past few years and did not expect the young boy to have such courage
• not for long Loki thought•
"YOU WILL OBEY ME YOU INSOLENT KID!" Loki spat taking violent steps towards Peter backing him into the corner his sceptre hovering above Peters heart, Peters breathing worsened and his senses were screaming at him to run but he was frozen with fear he tried to calm himself but he couldn't for Loki was staring at him with murderous hate in his eyes "NOW YOU SIT DOWN AMD DO AS I SAY OR SO HELP ME I WILL FIND MR STARK AND THROW HIM OFF A BUILDING!" Loki screamed almost Breaking the glass in all the windows in the building.
"WITHOUT HIS SUIT!"He quickly added
Peter with eyes wide nodded profusely and ran to the chair sitting in defeat with terror
"That's better" Loki cooled his voice softening he walked over to the terrified peter waving his sceptre as he did Loki stopped directly in front of Peters chair and stared at him he suddenly raised his hand and Peter closed his eyes expecting to be hit but instead Loki ruffled his hair "good Spidey" Peter squirmed under this touch and affectionate tone.
this was emotional blackmail.
only Tony ruffled his hair or called him Spidey, that or Underoos but he was not about to give this information up. Peter tried to raise his hand to shake Loki's off of his head but he couldn't .
he tried his other hand, but that one didn't move, he tried his legs but it was useless Peter looked down at himself and saw his arms and legs were now tied to the chair with chains tied around him tight holding him in place.
"It is useless to struggle Peter those won't be coming unloose any time soon, after all" Loki smiled "don't you want to say hello to your dad?" "He..he..he's not my dad"Peter mumbled looking down "oh isn't he?" Loki snapped grabbing peters hair roughly and forcing his head up to look at his "you think he is though don't you? "DONT YOU" Loki screeched and smacked Peter on his left check "I can read your thoughts peter you can't hide anything from me, now ANSWER ME! do you think of my stark as your dad? "Yes" Peter whimpered barely audible still reeling from the punch it wasn't that the punch was unexpected as his Spidey senses had warned him it was that Peter felt overwhelming fear which heightened all his senses," I can't hear you" sung Loki "Yes" Peter shouted through tears " "gosh Peter there is no need to shout" Loki feigned mock annoyance "but I want to hear you say it all" Loki grinned
Peter stayed silent looking at his shoes infatuated by them, Loki slapped him "SAY IT" Peter holding back tears forced him self to look up at Loki and said "I think of Mr Stark as my dad" Loki smirked "aww how cute" elbowing peter in the ribs who doubled over in pain
" The Avengers will be here soon they will come for you"peter said "no" said Loki plainly and lowering himself so he looked Peter straight in the eye "they will come for you"

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