The turnaround

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"Soo you figured it out loving the hair tony!" Loki chuckled Tony's fists tightened by his side his hair had been dyed  green by Loki and however many showers he had his hair was STILL green Tony blamed it on Loki's magic.

the avengers stood defensively  waiting for the fight to start. "WHERES PETER!" Natasha, Clint and Steve shouted in unison "TELL ME" Tony yelled ,reminding Loki of himself,  Tony had enough and started to charge the avengers following when suddenly Loki vanished and reappeared above them hovering almost flying! Surprising everyone including Thor "brother how?" But Loki ignored him and bellowed
'Enough you are all beneath me I am a.." "yeah yeah Loki we've heard this all before" Bruce said annoyed he had been told to stay back but Loki had a long line of people who wanted to kill him and Bruce was on it! Safe to say their was NO WAY he could have obeyed that order and no one argued when he didn't! 

Loki was smiling he had a backup plan just for this occasion he was unstoppable now
soon New York would answer to him including the avengers and then the world Thor would never cross him again and Odin would finally respect him as a ruler (or not frankly Loki didn't care anymore) his eyes glowed  with revenge for the endless torture he had endured at the hands of his asguardian jailers

"No I don't think you have?" Loki asked slyly disguising his true feelings he pulled out what looked to be a tv remote "ahh death by tv remote help!" Clint mocked breaking the avengers into laughter "" Tony gasped out through laughs Thor clutched his side in laughter •Loki must have left his weapon at the tower• he thought that's when Loki angled the remote for the avengers to see it had one button and  one dial which simply said
Then Loki pressed the button and the laughter

It hurt

It felt like Thousands of tiny needles were implanting themselves into their skin Natasha itched everywhere willing it to stop but the pain inflamed her and she dropped to her knees Bruce was next to drop his eyes flashed from his to hulks but both couldn't handle the agony they were feeling  then Loki turned the dial up slowly increasing the pain laughing at every click of the dial "have I done this before Bruce?" Another thousand kneedles pricked the heroes slowly Clint,Bucky, and Thor fell screaming to Their knees only Steve and Tony were left standing both equally feeling the pain Steve was gritting his teeth refusing to give in tony was blocking it out ,truthfully he didn't know how much longer he could last but he couldn't give up!
for peters sake
He could NOT GIVE UP!
Loki turned the dial up again another thousand kneedles seemed to pierce their skin followed by bone chilling screams

Then Steve dropped
Loki maniacally laughed and lowered himself to the ground
the avengers staggered to Their feet but they couldn't move : not out of weakness or fear but physically
they couldn't move
the only movement they could do was kneel and after their heads were bent in respect the pain would subside slightly and they couldn't move further the avengers fought to catch their breath all forcing themselves to kneel their heads down  the pain becoming too much.
"Ahh isn't this simpler, YOU CRAVING SUBJUGATION" Loki shouted victoriously "Never" Steve spat "why? your kneeling of your own accord aren't you!" Loki cackled  making the avengers struggle at their positions Tony was somehow still standing  uttered "how" it was barely audible but Loki heard "When you kneeled before I stroked your hair and passed between you that's when I inserted these 'obedient chips'  into all of you formally used by the grandmaster which I then configured into 'pain chips' of my own design like them?" Loki cackled "how does it feel to loose to kneel before your superior?" Tony ignored this he was slowly lowering himself to the ground fighting for every inch of his height as his knees buckled under him Tony only had one question though "p..peter?" Tony asked through gritted teeth, he wasn't trying to make his pain or lowering obvious but Loki had picked up on it "Don't worry stark" Loki spat "you will see peter soon enough....he will join my army and then he will attack you break you in every way he knows you fear and when I wake him to see his good work I will split his skull that is His fate you mewling quim!!" the avengers raised their heads to look him straight in the eye their teeth gritted their eyes displaying one emotion as Tony finally gave out and dropped to his knees

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