The meeting

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" PETER!" Tonys voice was yelling now ,he was closing in "man of spiders ARE you here?" "KID?"   "SPIDEY!" yelled more voices that echoed around him, Peter had known they were protective of him but he didn't know how much until now!
The cogs  of Peters brain started grinding and it clicked...
they wouldn't stop at the line..
they would never follow Loki's orders, the line that Loki had drawn, they were going to cross it.... as  Loki himself had crossed the line in involving him!

" seems they're smarter then I gave them credit for" Loki chuckled almost unaware of the  seriousness of the situation "no matter" he said returning to Peters side "they have plans"
he paused here reeling off the fear Peter was giving out he grinned
"but so have I"

"PETER! he's HERE! QUICK! Clint screamed he had followed the voice to the penthouse lounge Beckoning Steve to the door  "NOOO" thor shouted " don't... DONT get ANY closer!!" he warned he seemed to be battling with his emotions "WHAT?" The avengers shrieked "Peter is in DANGER" Tony retorted  "yes I...I know what danger he's in!" Thor cried  back "wait are you saying he's..."Natasha asked " brother" Thor  finished there was a collective gasp most of them thought  Loki dead but as  already said and seen you can't kill the god of tricks LOKI...!!!!!!" Screamed Tony firing on all cylinders shooting himself through the doors as pure and utter hatred overtook him he never thought he could love anyone as much as Peter A horrible site befell his eyes their tied up pale, bruised, broken and utterly Petrified sat Peter. Loki was nowhere to be seen the avengers confused entered the room with no idea where he was
but Peter knew
he was standing in the shadows behind him he could feel it, he also knew Loki had set   illusions and traps. If the gag wasn't on he'd have proclaimed all he knew, but his words were empty he was losing hope of the Line staying uncrossed  and feared he was just waiting for the torture to begin.
"PETER" banner bellowed running up to him expecting relief to wash over Peter but he just saw him panic more tugging on his restraints crying, clamouring, something through his gag "BANNER STOP" Natasha hollered something wasn't right, Loki wouldn't leave Peter alone to be rescued and Peter would not be frightened by his friends either Peter had gone insane or this was a trap.
" very clever agent Romanov " a mysterious voice blared no one had to be told who it was
"Loki" he graciously stepped out of the shadows " I wouldn't take another step if I were you" smiling to himself when he saw Peter flinch everyone saw it and mentally added themselves to the queue who wanted Loki dead. " seems like you're going to be okay Peter your saviours" he mocked "have arrived" "LEAVE HIM BROTHER WE CAN STILL END THIS PEACEFULLY" Thor negotiated " thanks but no thanks I'm having fun hanging out with my best friend isn't that right Spidey?" loki asked emphasising the words "best friends" And just to make the torture for Mr Stark worse he roughly ruffled Peters hair staring at starks eyes as he did so, to say Stark was pissed was an understatement he had completely lost all composure and was NOT about to stand back and negotiate with a monstrous fiend like Loki
"I'm not taking this!" Tony clamoured And marched hastily towards Loki peter profusely shook his head but Stark was clouded by anger and ignored him charging at Loki who just stood their his grin getting wider and wider, suddenly stark noticed a faint line on the floor quickly putting 2 and 2 together he abruptly skidded to a halt to the relief of peter who noticeably sighed heavily through the gag  Tony searched around him and Loki was gone from peters side an illusion!  With his senses on edge he frantically searched as the other avengers surveyed the room, then all of a sudden, without warning Loki appeared behind him and shoved him across the line peter whailed in shock and dread as Loki once again reappeared beside him and forcibly removed peters gag. "Loki please I'm begging you stop okay  I'll go through anything else I'll do whatever you want just not this please! PLEASE!" Peter begged and begged  his voice screeching his breathing erratic his eyes abnormally wide but it was falling on deaf ears The Avengers confused panic stricken written across their faces as Loki held up his sceptre inches away from Peters forehead he turned to stark who was still on his hands and knees on the floor frozen with guilt and anger " remember stark YOU brought this upon him" and Loki closed the gap Peters eyes became bloodshot he went even paler if that was possible and jerked violently in his chair screaming at the top of his lungs to the avengers horror Loki laughed like a megalomaniac, and watched this scene unfold with dreadful glee, The Avengers stared their hearts collectively breaking. Thor was the first to break his gaze and charged at Loki  pinning him to the floor "WHAT DID YOU DO! WHAT DID YOU DO!" " Brother where's your sentiment haven't you missed me?" Loki calmly replied Natasha was next to break her gaze and launched herself at him knifes raised Clint followed swiftly with his arrows trained on Loki's head " he's just reliving every excruciating memory he's ever had" he cackled earning a punch of Thor's hammer(it's hard to spell) Steve just stood helpless, emotionless though, it was clear if you looked a little closer he was fighting back tears, Tony clambered his way over to peters chair "shush kid it's ok it's ok breathe I'm here.." there was no response "PETER I'M HERE ITS OK" "he can't hear you stark" Loki spat vanishing from Thor's grip and reappearing behind Peter  •those dammed illusions• "he can only see his traumatic memories" Loki mocked an evil smile written legibly on his face a Trembling peter started to speak "uncle Ben NOOO no wake up WAKE UP NO i could have prevented this I COULD HAVE STOPPED THIS NOOO!!" "Oh that seems like a pleasant memory" Loki replied sarcastically banner went to change into big green and mean but Loki held out his hand in a stop sign and calmly said ,sending shivers down their spines, "please don't, stand down 'avengers' and back away from peter, stark  or He dies" he moved  his sceptre down to peters heart Peter was unable to see or feel this though, still trapped in his own torturous memories, he was crying now shrieking, for the whole city to hear "I'm SORRY! Just kill me! I'm unworthy SORRY!!" the avengers looked to one another in panic and grief at these words which went through their bodies like knifes do meat and Tony slowly got up and backed away his heart aching the avengers dropped their fighting stances eliciting a smirk from you know who
"good now kneel"
Steve slowly bent his knees but..
"we will never kneel to you" Natasha retorted angrily " Natasha" whispered Steve, knees bent but still standing, through gritted teeth" what are you doing?" " does it look like you have a choice uncle America?"Loki sniggered  (how he had got that out of peter he would never know ) Steve's face contorted to a snarl  THAT WAS PETERS NICKNAME FOR HIM AND PETERS ALONE! " KNEEL or Spidey here becomes a permanent part of the stark MUSEUM!!" he exclaimed.
Stark was the first To kneel, normally he would be the last one to ever think about submitting but this, this was different, Peters life was on the line and he was not going to risk losing it! Steve was next Slowly one by one each avenger kneeled before him "good heroes" Loki cooed gently placing a hand on Tony's head and stroking his hair like they were his personal slaves, he snapped his fingers and peter was brought out of his memories to the relief of the aghast avengers. peter drew some very deep and shaky breathes "Mr stark?" Peter questioned he could remember hearing his voice and hopefully he hadn't imagined it. His eyes widened when he saw all the avengers kneeling at Loki's  feet  " thank you Peter" he snarled "you have brought the world to my feet".

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