The torture

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"" peter shrieked in disbelief, Loki removed his hand from starks head and slapped Peter on the left cheek "Yes yes YES" Loki snarled punching peter in the gut the avengers collectively winced, Tony went to stand but Loki spun on his heels and placing a hand on his shoulder forced him back down "our agreement is still in place stark" he spat " I wouldn't break it now" "noted" Steve muttered earning an icy glare from Loki then his eyes widened and glancing over at Peter walked back towards him slowly suddenly it was like Steve could read Loki's mind " Loki..loki NO...NOO" Peter struggled against his restraints and just as Loki raised his staff to peters head " "NO peter! NO... NO I'm sorry!" Steve whimpered.
Loki stopped and turned back to 'his subjects' smiling "See all it takes is some cooperation" Loki beamed now stroking peters hair "now you" Loki pointed to the avengers at his feet "are going to go destroy your city and proclaim me ruler!" Loki spoke triumphantly. Stark rose without a moments hesitation but the others didn't follow "Loki this is madness" Thor replied " we will not help you destroy our city let alone our world" Steve said defiantly the others nodding in agreement.
Loki gobsmacked at their reactions was taken aback, he had their most prized possession Peter, in his grasp and they still refused to listen to him! that's when he noticed stark who was standing looking at the floor refusing to make eye contact with him, it seemed all was not lost, stark ,of all people, was listening to him! "STARK" Loki shouted turning his attention to him " immobilise the rest of your pathetic rabble or 'Underoo' here goes back to an eternity of bad dreams" Loki cackled peter looked alarmed  stark was furious at the nickname that was HIS NICKNAME AND HIS NICKNAME ALONE FOR PETER but he quickly accepted his fate and with a heavy heart turned around to the rest of the avengers who were still kneeling and pointed his palm with the jet repulsur at banner, "Tony" banner rose you can't be serious?" "you're actually going to listen to him?"Steve countered standing to his feet "you of all people!" Natasha fired back also standing, "STARK" Loki yelled making stark swivel peter had been released from the chair but was still chained and had been re-gagged the sceptre was dangerously close to his neck as he stood infront of Loki wriggling under his grasp "I will not ask you again!" Loki threatened tightening his grasp on peter Tony was clearly fighting his emotions he didn't want to fight his team but he couldn't lose Peter "tick tock" Loki reminded him swinging his staff from side to side. The avengers looked split Steve and Natasha wanted him to stand down figuratively and literally where banner and the others seemed to understand Tony's actions thus far, "Decide NOW"  Loki roared and on the word 'now' Tony had finally decided  he flew a few centimetres off the ground and with his repulsor knocked all The Avengers out in one sweeping hit. Peter screamed but was once again muffled by the gag while Loki cackled quietly "good choice, tie them up!" "What?" Tony asked dumbfounded "TIE THEM UP! Or do I have to remind you of the consequences" "no" Tony shook his head sadly and went about his orders many of the avengers had been knocked unconscious by the blast and the ones that weren't ? were not putting up any fight they knew what was at risk if they did.
He felt stupid, stupid for not realising something was wrong, stupid for allowing Peter to return by himself, stupid about security and how Loki even managed to get in!, stupid for letting him have emotions for anyone other than himself.
Peter was still in Loki's arms being held hostage of course he hated seeing his kind-of father turning on his team becoming Loki's personal minion because of him and he couldn't help feeling guilty of his actions this made him more determined to get free! while all of this had been unfolding Peter had been trying to figure out Lokis weakness and had come across one ,
his feet
if he could distract Loki and stamp on his feet maybe , just maybe, he could be free and this nightmare would be over! his dad was tying up his own team with tears in his eyes and however painful this was the it was also the perfect distraction as, Loki was revelling in his victory feeling he had undoubtedly won the 'war' Peter had to act fast or else no one would be free to save him. The ropes were being fastened around Steve.
Peter had to act NOW!
With all his remaining strength he brought his foot down on top of Lokis hard Peter had been right. Loki was distracted and immediately dropped his sceptre away from Peters neck to cradle his foot Peter ran (well hopped) as fast as he could over to Tony, to anyone in that matter, anyone! who wasn't Loki was trusted now. "Peter!" Clint yelled getting the attention of Tony who had moved on to him. Tony swivelled and once he saw Peter hopping relieved and shocked he closed the gap between them and grabbed him cutting the chains, Steve loosened his chains and stood up the other avengers stood up.

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