Back at the tower

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'Peter' was quickly whisked to the medical bay where Bruce instantly began to address peters facial bruises which was identical to peters, "hey Pete feeling Better?" Tony asked trying to hide the panic in his voice 'peter' was about to answer when he was cut off by Bruce " I just need to check his stomach and he's good to go" Bruce replied this was when Loki panicked yes he had identically copied Peters bruises on his face but he had completely forgotten to check Peters stomach!  he could make the bruises but not while Tony and Bruce were in the room watching and he hadn't checked Peter over so he didn't know what his stomach looked like! And he couldn't remember how many punches he had delivered they were bound to smell a rat!
his master plan was over
Suddenly the shield alarm sounded tony stood up suddenly and Bruce rushed to the meeting room Loki realising Peters heightened senses quickly clutched his ears in mock pain before Tony could look back at him tony then looked down to 'peter' "sorry kid I have been meaning to ask them to turn the alarm down for some time" he looked back to the 'agony' 'peter' was in "Ive got to go but I will be back" Loki gave him a quick nod and Tony ran out the room •phew • thought Loki that was close.  he could just hear the commotion going on in the other room it seems there were some casualties in wakanda that Bruce was needed for,  The sound of a jet was heard and a slamming door Loki assumed Bruce was gone and when Tony returned he had completely forgotten about the tummy checks and left 'peter' to rest while he went to track down Loki with the remaining avengers he told 'Peter' he'd be back in two hours and a call to him would have him back before you can say iron man Tony had  then winked and left the god alone in the tower I repeat
which was exactly what Loki wanted.

The second the door slammed 'Peter' slowly tiptoed out to the edge of his room and peered round the door The Avengers had scrambled all were now gone which meant
Loki had free reign!!
he shape shifted back to himself and meticulously searched each room on the floor it was more fun than Loki could ever have imagined rummaging through his enemies belongings changing a few things here and there "Tony's going to love having green hair" he cackled as Loki swapped his shampoo for green hair dye "Thor's going to adore his new room" as he  covered the walls in green and black paint and borrowed his hammer •just for a bit• he thought although Loki couldn't lift thors hammer Peter certainly could
Filled Steve's rooms with feathers
Had foam arrows aimed at Clints door
Bruces room was now painted green
Buckys  room was filled with magnets and
Natasha's room was left well alone Loki couldn't gain access to the room it seems she had her own protocol in place
with a fiendish smirk Loki continued to the records room (typing in the oh so secretive password) and downloaded all the data to his staff , which had been disguised as a shoelace on 'peters' shoes Loki laughed merrily and steeped back watching as all the files slowly disappeared from the screen with warnings of classified covering every inch of it
His smile widened when he heard in his mind gagged screams and shouts which unquestionably was peter


Peter was alone still in the same predicament loki had left him in he had tried to avoid the TV but it was better than staring at the blank walls around him he had Seen Loki visibly pale when Bruce was going to check his stomach Peter had let out a smile •of course the plan wouldn't work Loki was evil and good always triumphed•he had thought But when the alarm had gone Peters smile had disappeared and when Bruce didn't return he had let out an agonising scream he was sure no one had heard he couldn't look at this anymore but he couldn't tear his eyes away from the screen however much his head and heart told him to, he had just sat there in disbelief when Tony had left loki in the tower by himself  and now screamed for all he was worth loki had invaded everyone's privacy because of him and was downloading all the files because of him everyone's family's Back stories and secrets all belonged to him ,including his. And it was all his fault,but he still had hope the avengers weren't stupid were they?

Peter anxiously stared at the screen he was waiting,
waiting for the windows to smash,
waiting for Steve's shield to knock Loki out
to hear Tony's voice behind him going "did you really think I'd fall for that"
for Natasha to hug him and Thor to say
"man of spiders you are safe now" peter couldn't help it his thoughts overwhelmed him he lost emotional control and he cried •maybe Loki was right they had taken one look at the Spider-Man costume and deemed him the real deal no one really cared for Peter Parker only Spider-Man.•

Loki chuckled

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