To fight or not to fight?

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"What? THAT...HOW...LOKI!!!!" Steve spluttered
"Where's that bastard!" Bruce stared he was struggling to not go green
"Hey.." Natasha soothed But was completely ignored
"Guys" Natasha started but was once again interrupted
"GET IN FUCKING LINE!" Bucky swore

"BOYS HEY..." Natasha shouted finally getting their attention
"There is no need to act like savage brutes" Natasha explained "especially not while peters still here" she bargained looking from the mortified peter barely standing to their shouting exhausted sleep deprived faces barely still awake.

They all guiltily turned to peter "god I'm sorry pete" Tony breathed "yeah I'm sorry too peter Bruce get the medbay ready" Steve said
they waited for peter to retaliate saying he was 'fine' due to 'enhanced healing' but


Peter calmly,but shakily followed Bruce out to the medbay
"Now that's over I'm going to bed!" Bucky started turning to walk away when the screen burst to life once more
"Hello avengers!"
Lokis shrill voice cackled shaking the tower as similar Loki's appeared on all available screens around the country
Peter ran into the room Bruce in hot pursuit "Pete, no you need to rest" but he couldn't get through peters thick skull,
Bucky turned away from the door joining the team as they crowded round the screen with a shared hatred
"Lovely to see you again especially you....peter

Tony's face was purple his relief extinguished to hatred in a second
Bruce was almost green
Steve was seeing red his grip tightening almost breaking his shield
Bucky was red his hands bawled into fists
Natasha's eyes were red her daggers in her hands

"It seems I've lost again.... lost my control of spider-man and with that my dominance over the avengers luckily I still have one final trick!" The avengers faces were pale now lapping up every word and nearly face palmed at their foolishness of course Loki still has one last trick it's Loki for heavens SAKE the avengers were deathly silent as Loki rambled on with his 'bad guy monologues'
"Spider-Mans identity! I'm not afraid to tell everyone the question is are you?" Lokis smirk was the last image as the screen in the tower and the screens around the world fizzled to black.

"We've got to get to Loki NOW! "Natasha proclaimed
"no shit Sherlock Clint sassily replied
"like YESTERDAY!" Tony screeched wishing he had seen this coming,
Peter stood their frozen his memories were coming back the more he stared at his families injuries and saw the broken webs on the floor... if Loki wanted a fight peter was NOT about to stand by and let his family pay the price
"Avengers assem.." Steve started but was cut off by a web to the mouth startled and evidently shocked he ripped it off and turned to the source peter his hand still in web shooting position, his eyes determined his posture strong similar to the 'spiders'
"NO this is MY fight NOT YOURS I..I..can't put you in danger again"
"Whether you like it or not we're coming with you!" Tony demanded confidently walking up to him Steve and Bruce following while the others stood unsure how to approach the current situation all could understand what Peter meant and felt he wanted justice on his captor, on his tormentor, but this wasn't the right way it was practically begging to capture him again...and they couldn't go through that again...
Peter acted on instinct and protection thought he'd regret it later he webbed Tony to the wall followed swiftly by Steve and Bruce, Natasha and Bucky went into fighting mode trying to get around Peter without him saying but were swept off her feet before they could blink and were re-webbed to the wall "NO" peter confidently spoke "THIS IS MY FIGHT!" His mask lay on the sofa where he had thrown it hours ago now Peter still couldn't believe that a few hours ago his biggest worry had been that thor wouldn't like Star Wars! He put it on and ran at the window just as he was about to make contact A voice stopped him
"Peter WAIT" Tony shouted his son couldn't think straight let alone fight straight
"think your actions thro." Steve started but was cut off by a web to the mouth then a webbed mouth to Natasha,Bruce and Bucky Tony's mouth was left peter couldn't do that to him
" it will dissolve in two hours enough time to make Loki pay!" Peter uttered darkly before braking the window and swung away to find Loki
"PETER NO! CANT ANYONE USE A DOOR!"tony shouted after him his living room covered in glass
"Tony use your arc reactor tech and get us out of here!" Steve said or that's what Tony thought he said it sounded more like 'ony oose ar actot mmph mm ou ere!" With Steve being muffled by the web •why he hadn't I just done that at Civil War and saved us all the trouble• Tony had thought but he couldn't dwell on that now of all things tony steadied his breathing and blasted himself free from his web cocoon then he turned himself to Steve slowly but surely each avenger was free and were soon flying to the source of Loki, the park in the middle of everything, (Jarvis had informed Tony through the suit) they noticed a stage?? which is quite odd and has no place in a park they landed etiquettely and quietly each taking a tree to hide behind situated a few metres infront of the stage but still hidden
Loki had set up a stage in the parks centre with screens around him like Glastonbury peter/Spider-Man  was on the ground infront of him
Quipping while dodging Beams of blue from Loki's staff as he tried to hit him "oh come on lokes"
"your like yang to hawkeyes Ying"
"he never misses and you never hit!"
Loki was becoming extremely bored and enraged at the same time a skill only he had mastered "shut up YOU INSOLENT ARACHNID!"
"Hey spiders are... oh" Peter stopped mid sentence
"Well that's a first"
Loki stopped and held up the remote dangling it infront of Spider-man like a carrot to a donkey peter froze instantly Loki banged his staff on the floor it was upright which meant Loki was not about to shoot and peter was not about to move
they were at a stand-off
"Appears little spider I have won! You've been fighting for so long you haven't put a plan in place to stop me! How unfortunate"
Peter glared staying deathly silent for once not wanting to interrupt this bad guy monologue
"I can press this button, put this staff to your heart and have you work for me or lay dead at my feet while the world knows your name! But before that how about I do this!" Loki pressed a concealed button on his staff and peter braced for impact? Danger? Pain? He didn't really know what to expect or what to prepare for

This was unchartered territory

The avengers held their breath they couldn't break cover they couldn't do anything to stop whatever was about to happen they had aimed their weapons at Loki but he didn't keep still and he flickered like an illusion so they were never prepared to hit him even if they tried fearing that would break the 'element of surprise' and make it worse on peter

Then It happened
A voice, strained seeming to be crying, echoed through speakers everywhere it was peter
"I think of mr stark as my dad"

Peter opened his eyes and removed his arms shielding himself he was quite taken aback
And he wasn't the only one mr stark gasped before realising his mistake covering his now gaping mouth with his hand best he could but Loki heard, he knew he had heard,Loki smiled his glance towards the trees "you can come out now stark! I know your their" stark silently motioned to the others not to appear and he stepped out much to peters surprise which suddenly turned to horror •what was he doing here!• "Aww" Loki mocked staring Tony down as he stood a few paces Behind peter Tony looked at him dubiously while Loki made a mock crying face quickly Tony wiped a tear away ,how the hell had that got their? Loki and Tony stared at each other in A somewhat game of fierce combat not wanting to be the 1st to break Eye contact, blink or look away Tony shivered while Loki smirked secretly mind reading
"and the rest of you" peter gasped Tony was silently pleading ' please don't come out please don't come out' after a pause which was far too long they emerged "awww Pete 'mr stark' is honoured to be your dad how sweet" Loki cooed Tony saw red peter sharply turned to Tony then to Loki "you read his mind?" Peter exclaimed "and he means it?" He whispered turning to look tony in the eye who may or may not have a tear in his eye peter.was .stunned.
this was too much to process. Loki saw this opportunity to blast peter in the stomach back substantially "PETER!"

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