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" he's being mind controlled!"Clint yelled the first to find his voice "Loki what have you done!" Thor answered breathlessly ".p.p.eter" Tony mumbled in shock, "noo" Natasha whispered horsely.
Loki smirked at them he had broken the avengers and he hadn't had to fight yet, well peter would do the fighting, there was no way he was going head to toe with hulk again
"peter wake up" Natasha said gently " trying to coax Peter out of it "that won't work quim! he's mine" Loki said defiantly then smirking He turned to Peter "information account" he barked 
"Lokis spider"
" what master do you serve?"
"I serve Loki,"
"what is your mission?"
"to destroy the avengers until they submit to you"
Steve and Bruce gasped Natasha looked stunned Bucky and Clint looked to each other in horror and Tony was just standing, silent, in shock no one was surprised by the answer for it was inevitable, but it wasn't the answer that shocked them it was the way Peter was answering quickly without hesitation, without emotion, without thought, just submissively going through the motions,  there was no pain behind those eyes they were just empty: his whole body, his self his very being,stood emotionless.

One thought filled the avengers heads
•they couldn't fight Peter! They couldn't hurt him or force themselves too, no one had slept in weeks, their armour and weapons lay in another room, their minds were clouded and it was a struggle just to keep their eyes open
They just couldn't bring themselves to fight!

Loki laughed more, seeing the inner turmoil of his enemies brought him such joy. •now was the time to really mess with them,• smirking he turned to Peter once again
"Kneel before me" he commanded peter replied within seconds kneeling infront of him head bowed "yes Master" what peter would never have followed he had done
Sending more gasps peters way
Loki put a finger under his chin and raised his head up slowly until their eyes met in a loud and commanding voice loki spoke
"Get them My Spider, Attack!"

Peter lept into action charging full on at Tony, everyone waited for the dodge, the scream, for him to shout 'Avengers Assemble', something!, anything! but to everyone's surprise
tony just froze
Frozen in place Steve tumbled infront of him pulling him out of the way at the last second as Peter threw himself at the spot Tony once was leaving a dent in the floor! "Tony snap out of it SNAP OUT OF IT!" Steve yelled shaking his shoulders, Next Peter lunged for Steve who was clearly distracted with Tony he was about to strike when Clints arrow landed infront of him exploding a few seconds later Steve fell right, tony fell left snapping out of his daze quickly he had to fight or his team would die!

Just. like. his.nightmares!!

Natasha towered over peter who was clutching his head "peter! Come back Loki's done something to you wake u.." Natasha was interrupted with a kick to the ribs as peter got himself up "WHO THE HELL IS PETER!" He screeched loudly knocking everyone off their feet "did I mention? loki snickered " I have perfected the hypnosis to make my Spider here's abilities 10 times stronger!" The avengers just gritted their teeth already back standing panting a little "new plan" Steve shouted "Clint,Natasha,Bucky, keep peter busy, Tony,Hulk and I get Loki!" They spilt off and charged hoping Loki would become dismayed and call Peter back to protect him however he did no such thing and ran at the three avengers fighting all of them at once and winning!
Clint fired his smoke arrow as peter swung at them somehow through peter gained the upper hand and managed to knock Clint down " his senses are enhanced to you idiot!" Bucky yelled mid-fight "Language" Steve yelled "NOT NOW STEVE" everyone including Loki shouted back. Clint got back up ready "peter,Pete,it's Clint! Wake up you know uncl..." but he was quickly webbed to the wall and kicked in the stomach, all he could was watch.
Natasha was next •now she really wished she hadn't taught peter hand-to-hand combat last week• they fought dodging and ducking each other's attacks" Pete! Peter !little spider! it's me! Natasha aun...." just then Peter swiped Natasha's legs from under her and she fell hitting her head it was now Peter's turn to tower over her, he pinched her cheek and slapped it peter strode away from her back turned to face Bucky! Natasha slowly got back up but she quickly joined Clint on the wall as peter turned in one swift movement webbing her to it! They just stuck their in Dismay watching..... It was Buckys turn now

............................. meanwhile............................

Loki's smoke surrounded Tony, Steve and hulk, obscuring their vision surrounding them closer until they were back to back in a triangular shape, laughter echoed around them making them shake, normally they had a cap on their emotions but the fight, the nightmares, loosing peter had taken its toll and it was easy to see These avengers were scared.
Steve blindly threw his shield into the smoke not hearing a bang or a thud or a anything father all advanced, The smoke played in one area they saw Peter holding the shield out in front of him decided he was holding had bent back a little "does that mean I'm worthy?" of course it was Loki's voice as he transformed back to himself Loki then threw the shield back to Steve who skidded backwards at the throw then the smoke became denser around them once again.

Tony then found Loki but before Loki could react Tony grabbed him punching him wildly "YOU *punch* HURT *punch* MY *punch* KID *punch* YOU *punch* MONSTER *punch* HOW *punch* DO *punch* WE *punch* FIX *punch* HIM!" Tony then proceeded to shake lokis shoulders until he was dizzy Loki slowly replies "'t" he cackled quietly "ARGH" Tony yelled aiming his hey repulser at Loki ready to send him to hell!
Hulk rushed over to Tony and grabbed his arm "not the way puny god" he grunted loosely gesturing to Loki picking him up in one motion Loki tried to hide his fear but those two words scared the heck out of him 'puny god' Steve retakes Tony's arm holding it back "it's not the way tony we can't," Steve said sounding defeated a small smile crept to Loki's face he was not looking forward to being smashed to a pulp again and it seemed he wouldn't have to "however much we'd all love to," Steve continued looking at Loki with a face like a murderer making Loki flinch slightly "we can't" Steve finished Tony slowly lowered his jet repulser while hulk threw Loki across the room however what is the price everyone was that lucky stopped and mid-air seeming to catch him self somehow, using the sceptre to hover just out of hulks reach, "do you really think I wouldn't learn from my last encounter with the hulk or should that be.." loki paused smirking "green bean" then hulk saw red and attacked Loki! Loki squealed and managed to dodge most of the attacks but barely as his height faltered.

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