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Hello readers I have added something new which will be mentioned and appear in this one I added something to Loki's spider please re-read that chapter before continuing
-or not who said I was the boss of you 🤷‍♀️-

"come on Tony, you can do it, get peter back, don't hurt him" came the cries of the webbed up avengers as the two opponents stood ready

"Pete, I don't want to fight you"
"FOR THE LAST TIME WHO IS PETER?" peter yelled as he ran at Tony throwing punches wildly like they were candy, while Peter let out his full aggression Tony was holding back massively he was defending more than attacking "FIGHT ME YOU COWARD!" Peter...no spider screamed kicking Tony in the ribs and swiping his legs out from under him, "God i can't do this" Tony whispered barely audible but the avengers and spider heard he smirked while Loki footsteps echoed around him his cackle making his head spin and his gut wrench •why oh why did loki do this! Messing with MY son but if this was the only way to get his son back(and stop Loki's horrific laugh) then he would• "sorry pete please let your healing work" Tony silently prayed as he stood to his feet and launched himself at Peter without a moment's hesitation fearing if he thought it through he'd stop himself the avengers gasped "is he really.." Natasha started "fighting him!" Clint finished "go on Tony!" Steve whispered
Spider was taken aback and off guard falling to the floor with a bang Loki's cackle stopped abruptly "SPIDER!" He roared spider shook his head clearing his vision before
Attacking back

the next minutes,were a blurry of arms,legs,punches,kicks and emotions
One minute spider would stand over Tony ready to end it loki grinning madly at his near victory the avengers fighting the webbing furiously, the next minute Tony was winning! Turning spider back to peter the attacks lessening the avengers breathing sighs of relief, until Loki's dreadful shout "SPIDER!" would snap him back and the fight would continue.

Peters pov
It was happening again.... I could hear mr stark, and Loki....then I..i..
Pov End

Tony's pov
I could see my peter his eyes would change his vibrancy would return then nothing... but I fought again and again tooth and nail every time I WOULD NEVER GIVE UP FOR PETERS SAKE!

Peter threw a punch which Tony dodged the next one he caught "peter come back keep fighting DONT give up I know your in there I love you!" "Dad?...help me!" Peter said his eyes going from blue to black his head spinning,the avengers gasped
A small smile crept up Tony's face peter had never called him dad before he was ready to launch into a monologue but this was clearly not the time as he hugged peter close to his chest never wanting to let go as peter hugged him back
A small smile unfortunately also crept up Loki's face

"SPIDER! Remember this?" Loki smirked saying this in a singsongy way it was the pain remote! "No" Peter breathed but it was too late lokis finger slammed down on the button hard..

It hurt

Peter broke the hug clawing at his head, his ears, rolling around screaming "ARGH DAD IT HURTS IT HURTS SOO BAD STOP PLEASE MAKE IT STOP! MAKE IT STOP!" Tony legged it over to him wrapping his hands over peters over his ears "Pete breathe listen to me breathe calm it's ok"
"You don't really believe that do you stark! Oh how pitiful" Loki laughed stepping towards them Tony didn't flinch,or care he had to help peter and right now that's all he thought or cared about he had to help his son, as tears spilt from both Tony and peters eyes
Loki said "I won't stop you know! let spider take control peter" Loki leaned down to peter "let go" "NO peter listen to me Fight!" Tony screamed peter let out a small smile he intended too
he fought and fought and fought
The avengers chanting "peter,peter,come on" but the pain wouldn't go peter knew what he had to do he had to stop fighting and let spider in he didn't want to but he had faith and trust in his dad.
"dad..I'm sorry"
was all peter could muster breathing heavily until he closed his eyes "PETER!" Tony screamed stepping back glaring at Loki...

Spider-Man hostage-finishedWhere stories live. Discover now