We Won...Together!

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"I accept the terms!"

"I said I accept the terms"
"NO PETER!" I heard dad...Yh Dad :) shout
"Petey Petey Petey you understand this is permanent" Loki chuckled stalking towards me
I mustered up EVERYTHING to give Loki the hardest icy glare I could
"Anything for family"
"You are brave little one" he remarked walking closer still towards my small frame. "But stupid" Loki poised his staff at me I curled up in a ball ready for the pain and darkness "I love you all" I muttered quietly Just as I thought it would hit
It didn't
"We love you too" said 6 voices I cracked my eyes open and their above me blocking the offending weapon from me were uncle Bruce uncle Steve Auntie Tasha uncle Clint uncle thor   Uncle Bucky and finally "Dad!" I beamed up at them all blocking the sceptre with their arms.
"It's like peter said..One thing you should've learned by now Loki is NEVER to mess with The Avengers!" One big push and Loki stumbled back but the Avengers didn't let up and quick as a flash poured down on him attack after attack Loki raised the sceptre again but this time Loki was being pushed down but the arms Loki snarled But he was no match for the 6 crushing down on him from all sides "No! NO YOU CANT DO THIS TO ME THIS IS MY DESTINY MY BIRTHRIGHT MY.."
Hulk roared and Loki quivered away "aww ickle wickle Loki is scarwed" Tony teased "SURRENDER LOKI!" Steve bellowed then his mouth twisted into a smirk "or we set the hulk on you...Again!" Hulk took a step towards him Loki squealed and backed away on the floor
Further back and back until he
"I surrender! I SURRENDER!"
His hands were up in an instant.

The End
(Or is it?)

Bonus ***

"If it's all the same to you I'll have that.."
"Can I have one?"
"But mr Stark"
"NO alcohol for spider babies"
"No alcohol for spider babies"
"Peter I said no."
"Peter I said no"
"Loki I swear to god if you impersonate me one more time"

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