Her Butler, Disagreement

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Once Ciela had proper attire on for the 1800s, she and Ciel walked downstairs to the dining room for their lunch. Ciel seemed to be quite interested in the future, of which Ciela had come from and he was intrigued to know if her name came from his or someone after him. He had many questions and for once, it annoyed him.

The servants from before, watched the two of them from behind the stairs, "They always like to stalk instead of doing their work, don't mind them," Ciel said and looked at her, "Did the chef hurt you earlier?" He asked.

"Oh? Oh no, I'm fine. It was just an unpleasant push and I didn't really feel a rifle to my back was necessary," Ciela told him looking forward.

"I'm guessing by your posture, we are still nobles?" He questioned as they entered the dining hall, he allowed Ciela to go in first. 

She nodded and walked in first, "Yes we are, along with being watchdogs and ignoring our birthdays," She listed.

"Birthday? When is that Milady?" Sebastian asked.

"Today," She told them and Sebastian pulled a chair out for her. She sat down as he pushed the chair in, "I was reading a birthday present from my butler and then I was here."

"There must have been a spell or something on the book then, to bring you here... But what could possibly wish to bring a person back in time?" Sebastian pinched his chin thinking.

Ciel had already begun eating so Ciela joined him. She reframed from commenting as she didn't know if the stuff that she has read in books is true or false.


Ciela walked walking around the manor, looking at the design. She noticed that literally, all the furniture was still in the same place, but hers were updated or they were touched up through being over 100 years old. She was having trouble adjusting, but she put a front on in front of Ciel. She wasn't as strong as him and there were some things that she hasn't been ready to tell him just yet.

Ciela sits on a large windowsill, "I miss looking out and seeing the fountain," She muttered to herself and jumped when someone cleared their throat. She turned to see Sebastian, "Yes?"

"You may be a relative, but there are some things that I do not allow," He said like a strict teacher. Ciela stood up and Sebastian nodded, "Another thing, if you are here to bring harm to the Young Master I will stop you," He held up a knife and three appeared with an evil smile, "Are we understood."

Ciela didn't answer and just walked past him, "Don't think you can control me, Sebastian. It is, I, who control you," She said and tilts her head and watched a knife fly past her head, "Impressive, you went for the kill."

"Who are you?!" He demanded to know to frown and his eyes turn pink with slits.

"I am who I have said, I am Ciela Rachel Phantomhive, the Queens Watchdog from the 21st century, who birthday is today, who has turned 21, who is now back in time and who is wanting to go home as soon as she can," She smiled at him, "Anything else or all you all done?" She asked and looked at Ciel, "I think I'll retire to my room," She said and walked past Ciel bidding him goodnight.

"For someone from the 21st century, you sure do speak the same," Sebastian said walking forward.

"I am merely copying the way you all talk, there is nothing more or do you wish that I speak to you in 21st-century slang? I don't think so as there is a lot of cursing involved. Well then you two, I shall be seeing you tomorrow as I will not be coming out of my room," She said opening a door.

"I'm not finished," Sebastian walked past Ciel who sighed watching them.

"Do not come any closer!" Ciela looked at him and glared, suddenly Sebastian stopped. Ciela smirked where Sebastian and Ciel looked shocked, "So, it seems that even I can control the butler, interesting," She walks into her room shutting the door.

Ciel looked at Sebastian, "as she said, interesting..." He chuckled, "come on, we have work to do," He said walking down the corridor, "I guess you have started to look for a way to take her back?" He asked knowing Sebastian would be following.

"Yes, My Lord, but to no avail. I cannot find anything, I'm tempted to go back to hell and see if I can find anything there, but if I'm down there I will not hear your call, I'll sense it but it would be too weak to know where you are," Sebastian told him.

"I had also thought of that," Ciel walked into his study, "bring my diary, the new one Lizzie gave me," He said as he sat at his desk, "if she was reading a diary and came here it might make sense to follow what she says," He sighs and looks at a letter reading it.

He placed the letter down as his diary was in front of him, "Call Lizzie round, I would like her opinion on something," he said.

Sebastian looked at him, but bowed, "As wish, should I tell her why you request her attendance?"

"Say I need a planner and she is probably best to do it. As she'll take over and I can do my work," Ciel said.

With that Sebastian left the study going to the telephone. He called the Midford mansion, requested for Lady Elizabeth to be at the Phantomhive manor as soon as she could get there again.

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