Her Butler, Werewolf Case (Part One)

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Just like Ciela had requested, Sebastian had gotten Mey-Rin to retrieve her for dinner. Ciela and Mey-Rin walk into the dining room, where Ciel sat with Sebastian standing behind him. 

Ciel looked up at Mey-Rin and nodded, "You may leave now Mey-Rin," Sebastian said and Mey-Rin left as Ciela took her place on the right of Ciel.

"Sebastian tells me that you asked him a question and ran off after his answer, may I know why you asked if he could name, what would it be?" Ciel questioned her calmly looking at her. 

Ciela looked at him then sighed a little, "He reminds me of my head butler back home expect mine is blonde," She told them, "It was stupid but his name is Lance... It is merely a coincidence, nothing more, nothing less. Please remember, where you have to get used to me being here, I, on the other hand, have to get used to changing my lifestyle so it isn't as easy as you laid it out to be Ciel," She added and picked up her glass of water taking a sip.

"What is your head butlers last name?" Ciel asked her curiously.

"M-Michaels or is it, Michaelis," Ciela bit the inside of her mouth, "Yeah Lance Michaelis, his family have been working for ours since... You," Her eyes looked at Sebastian who looked emotionless but shock flashed in his eyes for a mere second.

"Sebastian's family... Since my rein to yours?" Ciel questioned and Ciela nodded, "Looks like we're stuck with each other forever then," Ciel looked at Sebastian.

"Looks like it," He stepped forward, "Today's dinner is something Lady Ciela had requested, Ribeye Steak, with a grill flat mushroom with small potatoes in a pepper style sauce," He said looking with Ciela who nodded, "And for dessert also requested by Lady Ciela, a strawberry cheesecake with sliced strawberries on the side."

Ciel and Ciela started to eat their meal and Ciela looked at Ciel who was chewing, "Did he not cook it long enough for you?"

"No, no," Ciel shook his head, "I was savouring the taste," He said unsure about how to answer her. 

Just as the two were on their dessert Sebastian walked back into the dining room. He bowed to them and walked to Ciel, "Sorry to interrupt, there's another letter from the Queen," He said.

Ciel sat up and took the letter, he opened it and began to read. Sebastian remembered a conversation he had with Ciela last night and looked at her, "Lady Ciela, is your head butler a demon?"

"Yes, he is, but we do not have a contract as we cannot. It has been forbidden, even though there's a connection that links us both together," She replied and looked at him, "And it's in the diary that you are a demon," She said in a 'duh' tone.

Ciel looked at her then Sebastian, "Okay, it is time to pack up, pack enough for a week as this case seems a complicated one," He looked at Ciela, "you too Ciela."

"Alright," She said. 


Ciela, Ciel and Sebastian were sat in the carriage, Ciela was reading Ciel's letter, "So, what the plan?" She asked looking at Ciel.

"We are going to talk to the Major of York and see what he has to say, then Sebastian will find out information with whatever method he feels like is best for the situation, and I will bring whoever is the culprit to justice whether it is a werewolf or a mere joke."

"And me?" 

"In a report, it shows that the werewolf has been going after women..." Sebastian said and glanced at his master then Ciela, "So, your role is to be yourself and be alone at night to bring out the werewolf."

"How lovely..." Ciela said sarcastically showing no fear making Ciel look confused, "I've been a watchdog since I was 16, I'm barely afraid of anything," She told him with a smile, "5 years, I have seen a lot properly more than most people and it seems our cases are no different from here to my time." 

The carriage ride was over after a few more hours, Sebastian gets out and helps Ciel out. Ciel held his hand out to Ciela, "Your leg still shaky?" He smirked as Ciela slid her hand into his and she stepped out of the carriage carefully. 

"Just a little but I can cope," She said as she placed her feet on the cobbled ground.   

Ciel released her hand and began walking. Sebastian helped Ciela put on her coat again before they followed after Ciel. Ciel looked at a bar, "From what the report says about him is that he loves a little drink at his pub. Hopefully, he should be inside and waiting for our arrival," He said.

Ciela heard footsteps behind her and she turned around quickly, "What's wrong?" Sebastian asked.

"I thought... I thought I heard something," She said and looked at him to see him walk in the direction she is looking. He walked into an alleyway, but comes back, "I must be hearing things, don't mind me."

Ciela walked into the pub with Ciel. Ciel's eyes landed on a man, "That's him, Ciela."

"Yes, yes," She said and walked to the Major, she smiled at him softly, "Please mind out intrusion, but do you think we can join you?" Her smile was sweet and made anyone melt. 

The Major looked up at her, his cheeks flustered at her smile, he looked at Ciel and Sebastian then her, "As long as you're beside me, my dear angel," He said with a grin.

Ciela sat down beside him and slides her hand over his, "Of course and I'm no angel," She giggled softly.

"A face of an angel, a smile of one and a giggle of one. How could you not be, are you here to cure us of our cursed creature?" He asked with hope.

Ciel sat opposite as Sebastian sat beside him, "Yes, that is why we here. My name is Ciel Phantomhive and the angel's name is Ciela Phanomhive."

"Ciela, beautiful name. You must be angel," The Major said making Ciel sighed in frustration.

Ciela leaned into him and whispered, "I'm no angel, just a little devil who is here to rid you of creatures of the night," She leaned back and the Major was basically putty in her hands. "What can you tell us of the-"

"Not here, come with me," The Major stood up and took hold of Ciela's hand and began walking upstairs with her.

Ciel stood up quickly, Ciela placed her hand up and flashed him a smile. He sighed and sat down, "Get us a drink Sebastian and make sure you hear her if she yells for you."

"Yes, Young Master," Sebastian walked to the bar and looked upstairs where Ciela was taken by the Major. He sighed and ordered their drinks.

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