Her Butler And The Nun

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Ciela was stood with the Queen's butler and Tanaka as they spoke about tea. Ciel walked in with Sebastian and Ciel complained.

"So, Ash, what is it you are delivering to my cousin?" Ciela asked and he began to tell Ciel about a doomsday book a cult at an Abbey in Preston. 

"Justice or do you want them eliminated?" Ciel asked.

"That call will be yours," Ash told him.

Later that day, the Phantomhives went to the Undertakers, Grell was there tried to kiss Sebastian and Ciela rolled her eyes, "Pathetic," She muttered and walked to Ciel. 

Ciela sat on a coffin and she looked at the Undertaker in a bag of salt. She watched as they spoke, she yawned covering her mouth, "This is ridiculous."

They looked at her, "Ciela?" Ciel said.

"Can you take us to the Abbey as they have been needing quite a lot of coffins as of lately," She walks to Grell, "His clothes."

"You want me to get naked?! My oh my was a perverted girl," Grell complained.

"I'd rather go to heaven than see that," Ciela rolled her eyes, "I've had enough of you, THE FUCKING CLOTHES!"

"Alright Alright!" Grell removed the Undertakers clothes to see his regular clothes underneath. The Undertaker but them on and he took them to the Abbey.

Ciel, Ciela, Sebastian and Grell snuck out of the carriage and hid behind bushes as the Undertaker spoke with a guard. Ciela was getting bored and frustrated, "Your friends over there are welcomed to," The guard says and they stood up.

"Ciel," Ciela leaned down and whispered, "If I wander off, keep on with the task do not look for me, I will find you. I'll explain later," She said and stood up straight as the Undertaker left.

The four followed the guard, Ciela and Grell walked in silence as Sebastian and Ciel spoke. When they reached the Abbey, Ciela walked with Ciel and she looked around, "What is it?" Sebastian asked.

Grell yelled a child and they look at Ciela, "The cleanest of the clean," The three children held hands and bounced around in a circle, "Cleaner than the mother, a clean one, a clean one. We have an angel! We must tell the others," The children ran off around a nun.

"Did I just get called an angel?" Ciela asked shocked and lowered her head, "Never in my 21 years have I been so disrespected and disgusted," She whispered. 

"Sorry about that, at a certain age many people are considered unclean," The nun looked at Ciela, "It's rare for a woman such as yourself to be called the cleanest of the clean."

"Unclean, cleanest of the clean, what a bizarre thing to say," Sebastian said and walked to the nun, "I cannot believe a beautiful lady such as yourself is impure."

Sebastian teased her with his words causing her cheeks to fluster, Ciela walked to Grell and grabbed the back of his coat, "Play nice," She whispered to him.

Sebastian leaned into the nun, then leaned back, "A bug," He blew the dead bug off his hand, "You'll tell me, won't you?" He asked. 

Sebastian took the nun to a barn and the others followed staying outside. Moans came from the barn and the nun asked him not to make her impure. 

Grell got angry, Ciel irritated and Ciela was staring at the barn, eyes glowing fuschia. 

After it was over, Sebastian allowed them all in, Ciela leaned against a beam with her arms closed looking at the ground, "The doomsday book says that those who lived a long life are impure," Mathilda started.

Ciela looked at him, "You could be a virgin all your life and still considered impure?" She laughed, "How stupid."

She told them everything Ciel wanted to know and Ciela stayed quiet. Before they left the barn, "Lady Ciela, you've been given off a terrible aura," Sebastian said.

"No idea what you are talking about, let's go to the cleansing ceremony," She said and they walked to the chapel and watched the cleansing take place.

"It stinks here," Ciela whispered folding her arms watching what is happening to the man and woman with the leader. 

"I know what you are talking about, you smelt this before?" Sebastian asked.

"Yeah I have, but past is in the past, let's focus on the task at hand," Ciela said and looked at Ciel who was staring at the front silently without a word. 

When the ceremony was over they stayed behind and Grell told them that the books the leader had were not cinematic records. Nuns came into the room, "Ah, you're still here we're so glad. Heavens truly have smiled upon you today," She said looking at Ciel.

"My oh my, dear cousin. Be good now and make me proud," Ciela said as Ciel walked off and she left. 

"She loves walking off," Sebastian sighed.

"Don't hurt her." 

He looked in the direction she went, "It couldn't be..." Sebastian muttered and shook his head.

"Deal with that later Bassy," Grell said.

A hand covered Ciela's mouth and she yelped a little. An arm went around her body, "My oh my, you know if you're upset with me all you have to do is say," Sebastian said in her ear moving his mouth.

"I'm not upset, I'm angry. I feel hot like I'm burning more than usual," She sighed, "They called me an angel, I am not an angel," She shook her head, "I am not."

"I know you're not, Ciel does too. Do not worry," Sebastian said keeping her close, "Now, the Young Master has informed me that if you wander off to not follow you, but I feel like I have the duty to do so. Do you have a problem with that?"

"Whatever I say, you'll end up doing what you like," Ciela leaned into him looking at the sky, "The moon is so bright."

Sebastian looked up, "Yes it is, and clear," he said as they held hand intertwining their fingers with each other, "By the way," He whispered, "You felt better." 

"Shut up, you're unholy," She joked.

"You can't talk," He laughed and wrapped his arms around her, "Lance told me something, I am not allowed to hurt you... Why is that?"

"You are the same person and when I was little, I didn't like him I hated him. I called him a liar and that I'd be better off without him," She smiled, "It sounds silly now, but I had thoughts of him hurting me as an adult."

"I will never hurt you till you hate me," He rested his chin on her head.

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